1541838 tn?1294327171

busted and wake up call

Well its been awhile since I been on here but with that being said I am 24 hours with no tramadol. What led me to being sober is being arrested for credit card fraud. So becoming sober is a hard price I have to pay but I will take it to get my life back. I was arrested this morning in front of my fiance who knew nothing about it and taken to jail. The p.I. had been investigating me for awhile and I didn't even know it. I'm writing this because well one these drugs led me to do STUPID things. But I take it as a wake up call. I just need some prayers right now and just looking to talk. I'm really really sick right now but I will NOT go back to drugs. Any advice is appreciated... thank u
14 Responses
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1416133 tn?1351123217
I appreciate that soaddicted - but you know what?  YOU have been your lifesaver, it's that simple.  YOU.  :)
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1541838 tn?1294327171
thank you again for you support! i read this and it bought tears.. i have been following your advice and last night i had a really sleepless night but im still not sick and its day 3. im still expecting the sick but i was really sick thursday night cause my last one was at 3 and then i was really sick friday and since then i have been OK.. maybe thursday and friday was the blunt of all of it, i dont know but if it was i thank god. im a little sad and i actually had a dream about pills last night but i woke up this morning not craving.. like you said one day at a time.. faith, patience, and HOPE! and your right once i became an addict i had no more hope.. all i had was thinking about when i was going to get my next pill. ill keep posting and thank you imdonenomore, you have been my life saver!! hope you have a great day :)
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Hi soaddicted,

I absolutely agree with you - this is only ONE weekend without the kids, and it is better that you wait until you're up to seeing them.  This weekend will pass and you'll get through it and so will your kids. :)

And as far as stuff that I took to help with the withdrawal, I found early on that valerian root worked best for me for the anxiety.  However, what really worked the best for me in that first week was HOT and I mean HOT showers - I would use epsom salts because the magnesium in the salts help draw out toxins through your skin (our biggest organ) - and because I'm not really a bath kind of person, I'd use the salts as a scrub in the shower.  I found the hot showers really really relaxing - at least, it would bring me about an hour or so of relief immediately after.  And yes, I did take a LOT of showers in those first few days - sometimes 3 a night!  LOL  But I didn't care, they worked and that's why I did it.

Also, stuff like orange juice, or apple juice, and yogurt and bananas were good too in the those first few days (quick sidenote - bananas are GREAT for the restless legs (and my arms too, I know, weird) as the potassium in the bananas is what helps that awful symptom).  I couldn't really eat until about a week or so later - and even then, I had to keep the food really bland (think hospital food!) - stuff like rotisserie chickens, mashed potatoes, jello, peanut butter on toast, and hot tea and saltines (the no salt added kind).

And also I made sure I had lots of clean comfy clothes available - the night sweats were pretty bad for me so if I had something comfortable and clean to change into, it helped my mindset.  And also clean linens on the bed as I spent a LOT of time in bed those first few days.  All of this stuff may seem a little silly, but believe me, these little things are VERY comforting.  They really are.

Also, I did start taking a daily multi-vitamin, SAMe, fish oil tablets, and b12 sublingual tablets (the kind that melt under your tongue that helped SO much for energy).  But I didn't start taking these things until about a week or so later, not because of any special reason, but only because I didn't know until then how much your body is depleted of nutrients when taking tramadol for such a long time.  And I'm still taking most of these things now (minus the SAMe).  And oh yeah, I did start taking St. John's wort to help ward off any possible depression as I had read that depression could be a problem for some time after quitting.  And let me tell you - that was the best thing I could do!  I did not get depressed, yes I was sad for some time, but it wasn't depression.  Just an overall feeling of sadness which today I think was my "mourning" period from saying goodbye to the pills.  So taking the St. John's is really a personal call that only you can make.

And lastly - DISTRACTIONS!  Movies, TONS of movies, or mindless TV.  Especially since I wasn't sleeping for a few days they helped a lot.  And I found that melatonin worked the best for me for sleep - the OTC sleep aids didn't work for me, but the melatonin did.  And it's pretty cheap so you might want to give that a try too.

Just hang in, stay strong, keep the expectations low, and go to your fiance whenever you need to - even if just for a hug, having their support is so so important, so remember that when you're feeling low.  I have SO much faith in you soaddicted - you WILL get through this.  I still can't believe when I look back now how horribly addicted I was.  I am a COMPLETELY different person today and I will never use that drug, or ANY narcotic for that matter, ever again.  And I know you'll end up feeling like this too you'll see.

Faith, patience and HOPE.  Hope was the first thing I LOST when I started taking the trams, and it was the first thing I GOT BACK when I quit.  :)  p.s. and oh yeah, KEEP posting and venting.  Venting is ALWAYS better than taking some stupid pill!!
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1541838 tn?1294327171
Thank you so much for getting right back to me gosh ur so inspiring and u have very good answers and making me feel so much better. Ur right I'm taking this day by day and I'm expecting the worst so I'm ready for it! One thing I do feel today is LONELY.. my fiance is here and I don't want him anywhere but with me. This weekend was my weekend with my kids but I didn't get them cause they don't need to see me like this. With that being said that's one reason I feel lonely I miss my kids so much. But I know in the end this is the best for them. I have been an addict for 5 years and didn't even know who I was anymore. What things can I take to ease the wd??
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1416133 tn?1351123217
It's okay soaddicted - it is VERY normal that 2 days in you're not feeling the full effects of the withdrawal yet (tramadol has a pretty long half-life meaning that it stays in your system for a bit longer after you quit).  The stomach and low energy issues may come in the next day or so so just be prepared.  I think as long as you know what to expect, it makes dealing with stuff SO much easier, it really does.

In fact, as strange as this might sound, I would expect the absolute WORST and then anything that did come my way really couldn't begin to "touch" my expectations ya know?  Or even if they did come close to "touching" those expectations, I was mentally prepared for it.  So hang in, go slow, and let it happen if and when it does.  Resisting anything right now only makes it worse.  And if you're in, or end up in, a bad mood - SO WHAT?  It's a small price to pay for a lifetime of sobriety, it really is.  I'll be sending positive vibes your way, so in your vulnerable moments, remember they're out there and that you're not alone.  :)
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1541838 tn?1294327171
Such good advice! Seriously thank u so much for the encouragment and inspiring words. it feels so good to say I'm 2 days NO TRAMADOL! Today has been an ok day I have been to the bathroom a lot. But I'm kinda worried that I'm not sick to my stomach today and I don't feel drained.. is that normal?
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Soaddicted - slow and steady right?  This sounds kind of hokey, but it HAS to be one day at a time.  No more, no less.  Focus on the moment before you and don't stress about what's to come.  You'll find the strength when you need to - so trust that and just get through the day, hour or minute as best you can.  That's all you have to do for today.  :)
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1541838 tn?1294327171
Thank you for your support. And yes I know what ur saying about buying things all the time. Its just crazy how much of a conscious I didn't have. Reality is really sitting in today and I feel horrible. I actually had a good night last night. I threw up all day yesterday and had bad stomach pains. Today and yesterday I have the biggest headache I have ever had. But I'm going to keep fighting I want this so bad. I have to go back to work Monday but I should be fine to do so. Well actually I have court Monday morning first. Ill keep posting and thank u so much this support from u guys help so much!
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Welcome back soaddicted, although I'm sorry it's under these circumstances.

But I have to tell you - I was taking 20 sometimes 25 tramadols a day and I quit cold turkey.  Yes, it was very VERY unpleasant (actually the WORST experience of my life), but I did read somewhere that there haven't been any cases of seizure when going cold turkey, only when taking high doses, or stopping and then starting again at the same dose.  Of course, I'm not a Dr. and don't know if this is actually true.  But if it is an option to taper, that would probably be easiest and safest.  But I knew tapering wasn't an option for me though because if I had them I would take them - I had NO discipline with that process.  But truly, I have read MANY many stories of people who have stopped tramadol cold turkey and made it through.  However, if you do have a Dr. you can consult with about this, that would be your best bet.  And I won't go into all of the withdrawal stuff as I think you already know what to expect.

The only other thing I wanted to comment on regarding your credit care use and your troubles there - I found myself buying all kinds of crazy stuff when I was taking the tramadol and have read about others who did that too.  SUCH a weird side effect - I mean, what was I doing buying ALL that crap that I had absolutely NO need for.  I found SO much stuff after I got clean - clothes, glasses, all still with their tags on them - I never used them, actually I didn't even REMEMBER buying them.  And all of the toiletries - my goodness I basically cleaned out CVS and all of the department store skin care products.  I just find this odd since I have seen many other members here mention the same thing about their "shopping sprees".  Crazy right?

Anyway - I just wanted to give you some support and tell you this CAN be done - I'm now almost 8 months clean and it was one of the BEST decisions of my life when I quit.  Tramadol is a nasty little drug in my opinion and the withdrawal is so very complicated because of the anti-depressant qualities of this drug.  But I know you CAN do it!  Keep posting and keep venting.  Go slowly and keep your expectations for feeling better really low for a while.  I'll be rooting for you!  :)
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1541838 tn?1294327171
Ur right ibkleen even tho this happened I'm still a drug addict and will have to fight for sobriety but I'm so ready for that. I have never been so ready and. Willing. Thank u so much u are really inspiring. And vicki595 I was only takin tramadol but if I ever ran out I would take vic or percs if I could get them. I didn't use those credit cards to buy pills but for other things I couldn't buy because of buyin the pills. I was orderin tramadol online but by c.o.d. my fiance is sticking with me and being a great support too. Thank u guys ill keep postin I'm really sick right tho.
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You said "one of these drugs" led you to do stupid things. What other meds were you taking? It could make a difference in how you're going to feel...

I'm sorry for your trouble. Was it the pills that led you to do what you did?

Some have gone cold turkey from tramadol. I have not. It seems it's pretty unpleasant but you can get through it. Be sure you have no access to pills.

Keep posting and force fluids!
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271792 tn?1334979657
It's a pretty high dose and you could, and I only say could, be subject to seizures. that is why I suggested that you keep an eye on your withdrawal symptoms. If you feel anything is different, get to the ER.

And yes, it is a shame that the arrest will be on your record for the rest of your life. More and more employers are asking for back ground checks when hiring and it will show.

All of that being said, there is nothing you can do about what already happened. All you can do is change what you are doing today. You took the first step by coming here and hopefully you will think about getting some outside support as well. You didn't stop being a drug addict when you got arrested, unfortunately, so the drug thinking and the drug behavior is still with you. Learning to deal with the past and learning new coping skills can help get you past this hard time and hopefully get you to a place where history doesn't repeat itself.

Hang in there. I hope you are feeling better in a few days.
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1541838 tn?1294327171
Thank you for ur support.. I can't believe I was arrested I have a clean record and now I'm going to be a felon. But its the price I have to pay. I was takin about 9 tramadols aday. So not sure if that's a whole lot but I'm def going to stick around and thanks again.
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271792 tn?1334979657
I'm glad you hit a wall, I just wish it were of your own doing. Getting arrested is a rough one.

I don't know how much Tramadol you were taking but it can be dangerous to go cold turkey from it and it is always suggested to taper. If you are able to do that, I have to suggest it. If not and you are feeling anything is not right, please get to the ER.

Take care of yourself and I hope you stick around this time.
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