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Hi Everyone!! My old name used to be SuperAddict. I don't know if any of you remeber me, or if this is a whole new group of people but, I joined this site a looooong time ago. I have been addicted to Vicodin for about 2 years. My life was going NO WHERE! I had no money, I couldn't pay my bills, I was losing all of my friends (not to mention my job and family) it was getting bad. It was time for me to STOP. So, I found a local doctor that prescribed Suboxone. I've been taking Suboxone since October 07. I feel great!! I will tell you honestly thou, that I did start abusing it! When I first took it, for some reason it gave me that high I'd feel when I was taking V. I started taking 8 - 8 mg tablets a day just to get that feeling again! i DID NOT do that all the time. Maybe once a week. I realized that I was only going in the same direction and that's somewhere I don't want to be. I cut down drastically. I'm now back on 1/4 of a tablet soon to only be on half of that.
I keep reading all these stories about how it withdrawals are really bad. A friend of mine was started this program, she NEVER took more than half a tablet. She got off no problem! I am hoping soon I will be that lucky. Taking 1/4 (that's half of an 8 mg tablet -- the recommend does) isn't bad. I don't feel any W/D's.
I am also 34 weeks pregnant!! I'm due July 18th! I am soooo excited and I want to be off BEFORE my baby is born. I want to be off no later than July 1st.
Bottom Line, I feel that Suboxone has worked great for me. Besides me being a dumb A** and abusing it for a period it's been great! I really feel I have my life back!
Thanks for reading. If I can help anyone in anyway, please let me know!! I've been through a lot. I have a lot of advice and great ideas!
God Bless!
42 Responses
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17946086 tn?1461668753
I know this comment was from ages ago,but,you said you were on 1 mg......My doctor says they do not come in 1mg,if they did I would have been off long ago!! I cut my 2mg strip in half!
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I have had chronic pain for a long time.I have gone through endometriosis, nerve damage from a surgery, Interstitial cystitis, bulging disks in the back, TMJ/D , and fibromyalgia and 4 surgeries. I Went through the stages over years of having first Vicodin or norcors and then Oxycontin, then Fentanyl patches. My pain Dr had me change to suboxone and nucynta and I have been on it for months, maybe a year. I keep taking it for the pain.It is not to taper off meds. I cant live with out pain killers.I,need to have pain relief.It says on it 2mg/8mg. I have ran out a couple of days early because of horrible back pain.. I did get steriods to help my back from the dr. but he wont up my dose. I didnt know i ran out until the last minute and I know he wont give me any more.. I have a question, if I go into w/d from the sub and the nucynta (a break through pain med used with suboxone) will I be able to stop the with drawl feelings by using some of the other opiates by a pill or will I get sick? From what I read someone said you wont get sick but you wont get any feeling at all from it.I want to know what to do. I hate with drawls so much, I know it my own fault. If I take a vicodin will the w'd stop?.. Thanks a million. Skyedancer
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I've been reading a little bit of your posts and wanted to share a bit.. I've been researching alot of things about suboxone... Firsthand I know what you mean when u say the more you take the better you feel right? Well that's the part of your brain that is being blocked and numb, that's what the meds do, and that's why you feel good.. Whenever I tried taking more I found I got a headache every single time, and even sick, I took suboxone 8/2 MG 3 times a day for about 6 mos then went to two 8/2MG Per day for 6 mos, but I tapered down each dr visit by a 1/4 once my year was over I reapplied to the program, and was approved, but changed to 2 MG twice daily... As I stated before about each dr visit I tapered down a 1/4 each month, was not true some months... I became comfortable with taking this medicine it did give me my life back so I was afraid of stopping it. I have a great support system and I feel that without that I would not be where I am today.. My husband and kids kept me afloat! So, now I'm at the end of my second year, and I'm currently on 1mg a day which is half of the 2MG. Each time I tapered down, it took 5 days for me to feel the effect of reducing my dose. I would be a little restless during the night, sweating a little bit, edgy as well but only lasts for a few days.. The lower my dose has gotten, that has not happened, I don't have the 5 days later withdrawals... One more thing I might add is, I know that there hasn't been much evidence in the way of studies with this med and getting pregnant, but for me, I have been able to get pregnant but I would miscarry everytime. Untill now. I'm currently pregnant 5 1/2 weeks and didn't lose this one I'm assuming because of the level of my dose. Before I would lose it at the same week every single time. . . Also, my home pregnancy tests always said negative, when I actually was pregnant, still true to form, my pregnancy tests say negative now and I'm definately pregnant, ultrasound proved that! So this med does for some effect home tests... I believe the shorter time you take this med the less it will effect you when you stop, the longer you've taken this med the worse it will effect you in the since of withdrawals, I'm finally at a dose that I can say if I were to stop I'd probably have some flu like symptoms albeit very mild. When I tried to stop from taking this at the end of my first year I was on 3/4 of an 8/2MG, which was 6 MG and I could not do it.. That was too much of a dose for too long to stop on.. So i started taking the 2 MG after 13 days of bad withdrawls, and i mean bad WD's. From my experience, it's a must that you move down to the 2MG from the 8 MG because of all the ingredients in the 8MG, once you reach the point of 1MG a day I feel it's a safe bet you'll feel just fine to stop... If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Thanks for reading..
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If you will click back to forum and post question....(you can cut and paste your question) and start a new thread you will get ALOT more responses and support this thread is a few days old and I am afraid your question will get lost in it.

Welcome to the forum....you will find lots of support and info here!

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hey every body, I am 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I have an appointment on july 11th, I cant wait till I go there, I dont know why I have a bad feeling about this, I was diagnosed on june 6 with a blood clot in the uterus, I am so scared, the doctor told me that it usually goes away by it self, but I am still very scared. did this ever happen to any of you??????
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I got tired of the serreal feeling from the Suboxe, I have been off of the Oxi's since July 21st 07, I am however still on Subutex, but getting close to being done with that. I think you are feeling something along the saem lines that i was when i was on Suboxone after a couple of months. You may try stressing to him that the feeling is strange, if of course it bothers you that much....for me it did start to bother me, but it's still infinitly better than being sick, and using drugs. The Subutex does not seem to have the same effect on me, yet I still feel that i am not my old self. I'm hoping this will go away when i am off of the Subutex. Good luck, and also good luck with the baby, there are lots of web-pages about Suboxone and pregnancy I took a minute to grab this one for you....I cannot give you specific advice being that i am a male ha ha but here is the web page i found. Good Luck http://images1.clinicaltools.com/images/cmeopiate/specpop-handoutp1.pdf
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199177 tn?1490498534
you spoke to your OBGYN about this ?
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He told me that it's OK to take while pregnant. And there have been a lot of other mom's that have been on it and delivered just fine. What are you concerns about it? I think that if my doctor thought there was ANY BIG chance of something happening, he would have gotten me off it a looooooooooooong time ago. At least, that's what I think. He's been wanting me to get off BC of the main control when I deliver. But, if I get anything it's ONLY going to be an epiduril (however you spell it). My doc said that is OK to take while taking suboxone.
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175734 tn?1225134440
you need to print this whole thing out and show it to your doc's when you talk to them. Also write the things down to talk to them about..

I was on SUB and i cant belive that it would not cause the baby problems.  It is so strong...
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It's OK. I might of taken what you said out of context. I've hard a really stressful day! I'm super pregnant, and SUPER irritated! My feet are swollen up like watermelons and everyone at my work thinks that's sssssooooo funny. When really, it's NOT. they hurt and it's embarrassing! Sorry.
Well, the finally I get doesn't happen all the time. only with 4 mg or more. But if I only take a 2 mg tablet I don't feel anything. It's weird. And it's not that high feeling you get when you're on drugs, it's just more of a dazed feeling. Tired almost. I've told my doctor that, and he said it was normal? So I don't know.
How long have you been in recovery? And what didn't you want to deal with? Did the Suboxone not help...at all? Thank you for the apology. It wasn't necessary.
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Oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to offend you in anyway, as I said i was more of trying to understand what you were trying to say. After reading this I think that you were feeling what i was, when i was on Suboxone. This si the reason I got switched to Subutex....same drug without the Naloxone. Is is almost like a surreal feeling, like you are half awake, half just unaware? I started feeling that way everyday and it was getting worse by the day after awhile of being on it. I then quit because I just didn't want o deal with it, and I was out of town of business, ran out of pills so I picked up. Most of those excuses were probably my addict making it happen, I'm sure I could have gotten more Suboxone if I really tried, but anyway when i relasped it got twice as bad twice as fast, and then the Suboxone just plain old did not work, I was sick for days even while taking it, so the doc put me on Subutex, and for almost a year it's worked wonders. You may be experiencing the same thing, if that sounds about right, you may also what to speak with your doctor about that, my doctor said it had something to do with the naloxone in the drug, after awhile I jsut developed a reaction to it. Anyway again I am sorry if I offended you in anyway, that was not my intent. Good luck!
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Thank you for your comment. I even said myself that I thought it was probably just all in my head. I've read A LOT about Suboxone and I've talked with my doctor plenty of times about it. I do feel different when I take them. I don't know why I would lie about something like that. I started to abuse it like I did V. I realized that it wasn't doing anything for me expect waste my money. I should have made myself a little clearer. I feel different when I take Suboxone. I don't feel high as if I took 10 pills. But different.

I went to the doctor yesterday. And I am going to continue to take 8 mg. and go down when I can. On my own. He gave me 30 and I'm hoping to make them last me for 2 months. 1/2 a pill a day.

Thanks for the words. I will tell you that I am a little hurt by what you said. (remind you, I am almost 35 weeks pregnant) But I was misunderstood. I even wrote that it was probably my head playing tricks on me.
Anyway, everyone take Care.

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Suboxone has a ceiling effect that keeps you from getting blasted. I have no diea how you were able to get "high" from taking Suboxone, it binds to tightly to your brain, that it will only allow so much of the drug to be absorbed at one time(32 mgs) is a roguh estimate of the max, depending on your body type. I have heard of people getting high on Subutex the pure form of beup, but not suboxone, and the people that are able to get high were only people who did not take pain pills everyday or every month for that matter. I don't know maybe it's because you were taking Vicodin, but I was on Oxi's and I'll tell you that there is no way I could ge high off Suboxone. The first 2 days I was taking 4-5 -6 pills to try to feel better, and I could not even shake the widthdrawl, so how could you get "high"? I'm not saying your lying, I just think maybe some of it was in your head. This is why I am on Subutex now, I was NOT going to take Methadone, but the Suboxone was not working, for some reason the Subutex is a bit stronger. I am going to try to quit soon, I've been on them for 10 months now, and I'm down to about 2 mgs/day. However about just "stopping" Subutex or Suboxone, I was at 4 mgs/day about a year and a half ago, I ran out of pills and I was out of town on business, and as some of you know it's very difficult to find a doctor that can prescribe Subutex or Suboxone, so i said "well whatever I think i can deal with it, I came off of 9 80's a day I.V) well i was wrong. I was very very sick, and ended up finding an 80 somehow. The point is I would NOT recommend just stopping Suboxone you really should speak with a doctor about that first, they have other things they give you when you are ready to stop, benzo's and stuff to keep you calm and not getting panicy, and going out to score some drugs. Best of luck to you, and I did not want this post to sound like i was targeting anyone I guess it was more me being inquisitive.
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Thank You! I know it doesn't get you high. But I feel something different when I take it. Sometimes. If I were to take 2 - 2mg at I feel completely different as if I were to only take 1 - 2mg tablet. Does that make sense? It's just a different feeling. A good feeling.
I need to stop thinking that and do what my doc says, or I will never get through this.

Thank you for the comment. And the support! TC.
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Best of luck with the baby and your recovery.  That's alot to go thru all at once, and you are brave for doing it.  Just wanted to comment on how you needed to stop thinking that Sub gets you high...  Suboxone actually tricks the receptors in your brain to thinking that you're putting narcotics into your body.  You should do some research online about the medication and it might help they way you view it.  Again, good luck and god bless!!
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WOW!! I am sorry to hear that! So the pain meds gave you that? And you're still taking them? Are you taking them for pain or is it to the point now that you have to take them? If that's the case, I would consider suboxone. Besides my crazy thoughts, I really do swear by it. It honestly saved my life. I don't like reading about all of these stories about them, just BC I think it just depends on the person. A lot of people don' t use it right. And I was told that if I were to try and take vicodin, or something for my pain, it wouldn't even work. Which is true, unfortunately, I've tried that. Then I had to wait a few days to go back on the suboxone BC I didn't want to get ill.
Anyway, I can't believe that happened to you!! Did you have a C section with your first? Did they give you pain meds after?
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494149 tn?1228846017
i need to come off them as well! very scary i dont like it and all i keep thinking about is baby. im only 13 weeks so i have a long ways to go! this is my second child! i have been on vicodin since having my daughter in jan of 06 and due to the meds it caused me to have rectal prolaps! google it.. not fun so i had to have a huge surgery c section type to pull all my intestines up and ohh was in the hospital for a good amount of time and am still on meds from surgery. so now i have to have a c section with this baby and it *****.i guess pain meds plug u up so thats how the prolapse thing happend! it was scary
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Thanks! I'm not too brave. If I were brave, I would have been done with this a loong time ago. But thank you for saying that!
I was addicted to Vicodin for a looong time. And I started taking Suboxone to help with the WDs. Eventually I was going to ease myself off the S and be on nothing! It's been hard thou. What i've felt, as far as WDs on S, haven't been ANYTHING close to what i felt when I was WDing from Vicodin! That was HORRIBLE! I'm almost done with it all. And I can't wait!
How far along are you? Congrates to you!!! :)
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494149 tn?1228846017
ohh wow hun i didnt know that. i thought all drs could prescribe any medication. what is this medication? dont be scared though it will be ok like u said everything could be fine and u will be tough and u and baby will get thru it fine! but ohhhh ouch i wouldnt have a baby with no meds!! YOUR SO BRAVE! i admire that
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Thank you both! Avisg -- Thank you for all of your info! I hope that we don't go through the WDs, but everyone is different....
Jenn -- The only problem with that is, according to the Suboxone website, there are only certain doctors that have licenses to prescribe suboxone. So, I can't even get it from my OB. As far as I know I can't. UNLESS she knows something I don't. And I'll never know until I ask. I will talk to my OB about all of this. I'm scared but, there is nothing I can do now. She needs to know!
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494149 tn?1228846017
ohhh so scary if u do not tell your ob your baby could be in danger. your dr would know right after birth weather ur baby is having withdrawls from something. if u are up front and honest with them they can and will help u and ur baby. u are always only supposed to get your meds from your ob dr while u are pregnant that way they always know what u are on. i am pregnant myself and taking pain meds so i know how scary it is but my ob dr is the ONLY one perscribing them. alot of times they will keep perscribing it and then just be prepared to deal with the baby having withdrawls and from what i have learned the baby wont have them more than a couple hours but i dont know what sub is. i dont think i have ever heard of it. im only on 3 a day of 750 vicodin wich i think is alot when u are pregnant and scares me but i know i couldnt make it daily without it due to the fact i just had major surgery a few weeks before finding out i was pregnant. now im hooked on pain meds for the pain and well it scares me! if u wanna talk message me i would love to talk to about this!
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199177 tn?1490498534
I am not sure. I don't want to give you the wrong info . I know we had another mom about 6 months ago that had her baby while on Sub the baby was fine it did not go threw withdrawl she and baby came threw it wonderfully .Just talk to the doc work together you will get threw this .
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THANK YOU!!!!! :)

That's what I was thinking! I've heard of so BAD things happening to people on Methadone. I don't think that it's a very good drug...at all! I heard that the WD's are WAAAYY worse and you just don't feel like yourself.

Avisg - I will talk with my doc and see what else I can. My goal is to be done with all this july 1. If i'm done by then, is it possible for the little one to go through WD's?
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199177 tn?1490498534
nooooo methadone!!!  You are already 34 weeks it would not make any since to change now . Just work with your doctors on your taper  and a birth plan it will all be OK !!!
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