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439712 tn?1208573211

Do moms ever get a break?

It might sound funny but if you are a mom than you know what I am talking about. Why are we always last? We work we take care of the kids we are always the last to go to bed to eat to bath to do everything. We make sure that everyone that we care about has what they need then we care for ourselfs but do we ever get a break? I dont but I think its time well past time for me to have a break. but its hard because I have no one really to watch the kids while I take a break well my husband but it would be nice to spend time with him no kids. You know what I mean. Its been so long since we have had a moment to ourselfs. Wow I dont think that I would know what to do without the kids but i am sure we would think of somethingLOL. well I am just venting but like I said if you are a mom then you will know what I am talk ing about how do you all do it? how do you do everything and still have time for YOU help I need ideas or tips something thanks all xoxox:) :) :)
22 Responses
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We don't get a break, but think of the joy our children have brought into our lives.  Last night after leaving my daughter's first prom, my husband I were joking about when she was a baby we couldn't leave the house without 2-3 changes of clothes.  Extra clothes for me and her because she was always going to spit up on both of us.  Here we are 16 years later and she is absolutely beautiful.  Check out the photos on my profile.
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Your right on being easy to take each other for granted. Each day I treat my bride like a queen the easier it gets, and the happier I am.
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463575 tn?1211302688
i don't mind all the work i do around the house. i usually have a part-time job along with taking care of the house/kid. i am actually in a better mood when i work, as the social isolation of staying home is enough to drive anyone crazy after a while. i think that is why moms seem so b*tchy when dads come home from work. however, that is no excuse to be b*tchy every day....i've made it a point to do my hair, makeup, etc and to try and have a smile on my face when my hubby gets home. a smooch and a hug. give him about an hour before i vent if i need to. then he vents to me about whatever **** is going on at work. we try to watch a funny show each night to ease any left over tension. laughter is the best medicine.

it's easy to take others for granted, and it's sad when we do...
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I think I need to do all of that to get my wife's attention!!!!
I should add though the reason I thought it was easier than any other job I had was because I enjoyed being home with the kids so much. If I would have started off being mr. mom from day 1, I would probably have a different outlook on the whole situation.
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I have to admit that there have been more times than not I have been a “not so great husband” and have taken much of my wife has done and still does for granted. You gals do so much to support us guys and we don’t give you your do, but life is a two way street and it’s easy to only what we want. I have felt sorry for myself many times because I would come home from work and not even get a “hi how was your day”, let alone a hug and a kiss. It was an immediate b****h fest, you don’t do this or that, I am so stressed with the kids, and so on, you get the point, ladies does any of this sound familiar? So after a while we guys don’t feel a lot of appreciation for what we do, in fact we start to loath the fact that we are often second, third or fourth for your attention. We too would like to would like the affection of the sweet, wonderful, woman we said “I do” to, but you are "too tired" all the time.

So from an audio book I have listen to it became perfectly clear to me that I must give more than I expect to get back. I must go that extra mile, to give and help her, love and support so that I am the guy “she wants to come home to her”. So gals are doing everything you can to be the woman he can’t wait to come home to? Just food for thought, it does make a huge difference.
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230262 tn?1316645934
lilyput- lmao, love that list you made!

as for my opinion on this...nope we never get a break but I am not complaining.  l love being a mom so much! Im honestly dreading that my oldest who just turned 5, will be starting kindergarten in August! we have to go for registration in a couple of weeks, and Im soooooooo not ready to send my BABY out into the real world yet! I know alot of parents are eager to get their kids in school, but not me! Im not ready to let him go but i have to lol.  Im afraid how much his 3 year old brother is gonna miss him too! I think he's gonna be the type to cry for his "big brudder".

The only time I get frustrated sometimes that I dont get "ME Time", is when Im locked in the bathroom trying to get a shower or use the potty and they are out there banging on the door yelling for me, LOL.    Then Im like "Man, cant I even take a pee by myself?? " LOL
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463575 tn?1211302688
to those whose husbands don't think they do anything around the house because they don't work, OR those whose husbands don't appreciate what you do around the house even when you are working, do this (i did):

call a housecleaning service and ask them for a quote (rough estimate, or they will want to come out to do an actual quote) to clean the house two times a week.

then call a babysitter or daycare center and ask them how much they'd charge to care for your kids five days a week.

then call a private chef or catering company and ask them how much they'd charge to buy all the supplies for 15 meals a week, then prepare them at your house for the # of people in your family. don't forget to get a quote for those large holiday meals and dinner parties!

then call an independent bookkeeper and ask how much they'd charge per month to balance the checkbook, make bank deposits, and pay your bills.

if you have school age children, call a private tutor and see how much they'd charge to come help each one of your children with their homework every day.

call a nurse service and ask how much they'd charge to care for your sick child for 24 hours. multiply this by the average duration of a cold per child.

then call a concierge service and ask how much they charge per hour to run everyday errands such as going to the cleaners, taking dogs to vet, pick-up dry cleaning, take your car in for a tune-up, plan birthday parties, do the family's clothes shopping, going to the post office, wait for the cable guy at your house for a half a day...you get the idea.

if you do any lawn work, call a yard maintenance co and do the same with them.

call an interior decorator and ask how much to repaint your bedroom, hang new drapes, etc...things you would normally do yourself.

i know this may seem like overkill, but when i totaled everything up and put the figure in front of my husband, it certainly got his attention! i asked him if i should get a job and just hire-out all the work to be done around the house and with the kid and he almost choked on his tea :P to actually see the numbers written down and totaled-up was pretty shocking!

don't get me wrong, i love being a mom and wife, but i just want a little appreciation every once in a while!!

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your an AWESOME Mr. mom....no bashing here...but did you get a break...LOL!
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I know you mom's are going to bash me for this but here it goes! I've been mr. mom for the past 4 years due to my back injury. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's been the easiest job I have ever had. I'm not saying it's easy but it has truly been a blessing and wouldn't have changed it for the world. And yes, I do the cleaning, laundry, the cooking, the grocery shopping, take the kids to appointments, go on field trips, etc. I also do all of the so called "husband duties" such as the yard work and stuff. I was even able to remodel the house while being home which really saved me a lot of time. I know no matter what job we have or what we do we will always complain. It's just human nature. But from previously being in the work force and then being mr. mom, I would take mr. mom any day! Now that my youngest is starting kindergarten I'm going back to work. I am looking forward to that also. But I will never forget how lucky I was to be able to stay at home and care for my children and my wife. I look at it as a gift that I wouldn't trade for anything!
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I am a mom to five kids seven days a week twentyfour hours a day. I know the feeling of never having time for yourself or time to spend alone with your husband.I have been a mom since i was sixteen and i am now 28. Even on my honeymoon i had to take my baby he was still breast feeding but i love every minute of being a mom dont get me wrong i would love a vacation kid free i just dont know when or if that will ever happen i cant remember the last time i had a whole day kid free.
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352798 tn?1399298154
The truth is that we don't need pills to be super moms or dads. We will be better at being a good person if we are clean. As you get clean, you will see so many mistakes you made while using. Your judgement is impaired! You do what is necessary to get by. You even think that you are doing a good job. If you think differently you are just fooling yourself.
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Thank you. How are you? You sound a bit better! Hope so. I haven't been around...
Oh yeah.. I'm feelin' the love!! Thank you. Aren't we all appreciated? Mom's. Too bad no one notices until we are gone, or until our children are parents...the circle of life I suppose. We need more GTMI's! My dad's a GTMI guy..

Mrsonetime...find what you like about it & get used to it...Your youngest is three? 15 more years.... ;)

you are not alone
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newgirl!! You are so awesome and I am sorry I have not sent you some love back, just been a rough time. I want you to know that you ARE appreciated!! Thank you.
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A Short Story: by Newgirl

Got married. Had kids. Love kids. Couldn't stop being a mom. Took a pill. Became Supermom. Here we are.
The End.
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Your wife is a lucky woman!!!  and i know you feel you are a lucky man to have her...thats awesome!! so nice to see that a man does appreciate what us moms do. Thank you for that and as ive said in the past you are a awesome person!!!
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352798 tn?1399298154
Moms never get a break. I think most guys don't appreciate what a mother does. In defense of guys, we just don't look at the whole picture. Looking back, I wish I could've changed what I did and been more supportive than I was. I helped etc. Even more than most, but it was not enough. Are you going to change man? I doubt it but know from this one that moms are very much needed and appreciated and definitely under thanked!
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I found for myself that the best way to get time for me is to obtain routine.  I can plan things out ahead of time and know (for the most part) how to plan my day, and where i get time for me.  For instance, I know that nap time will be around 11 -1130, and she'll sleep until 1.  This is usually when i'll do ironing, or even start dinner and put it in the fridge till it's ready to heat up. And although we're always busy....at the end of the day, it's not the days when i get to sit around that i feel a sense of accomplishment, it's the days when i'm so busy, and doing so much, that i look back and feel productive.  
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No, we don't...and I think sometimes we don't take one when we could. As I read this post my son was pulling all the folded laundry off the back of the couch and throwing it in the floor..... he is 17 months. I just thought how ironic those 2 things at once.

Husbands actually think they help us more than they do....don't get me wrong...I am a lucky wife my husband is awesome and helps alot and I am a stay home mom to one. I do fill in at my old job right now for a solid month and I am regretting it. They always "forget" to do stuff you ask.....but mine never forgets what happened on LOST or some joke he heard at work. But like everyone else just venting....wouldn't trade him for the world!
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429209 tn?1224166589
I so totally agree we are on the clock 24/7 and your right its always us that gets the break last!!! I guess though thats what being a mom is about and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, but a break on occasion is nice!
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473760 tn?1215219977
You just keep going one day at a time!!  I have a husband who doesn't believe that I should have any time to myself because I am a stay at home mom (because he won't let me work), and he seems to think that all I do is nothing.  Drives me crazy.  I'm not sure how he thinks that things get done in the house.  I guess the magic fairies come out and take care of it while I sit around and paint my toenails all day (it's funny that I never wear nailpolish...I guess the fairies take care of that too!!).  He works midnights, so he's alseep all day, he's never around to help about the kids, and at night he watches tv...and that's it.  Sometimes I make up excuses about things that we need around the house just so I can go out at night for like 20 minutes to be by myself!!  I'm not sure I would know what to do without the kids either.  The only time I can breath is at night when he goes to work and the kids are asleep, but that's not until 11 at night.  And I can't really enjoy this time to myself anyway, because I have things I need to finish for the next day or I am 'on guard'...you know the way moms are when their kids are around.  Doesn't matter if they are sleeping or not, if one of them gets up you are there. Anyway, I am just complaining.  :)  Thanks for listening and I DO understand what you mean.  There should be some sort of mandatory 'all mothers have the day off' day...and I don't mean mother's day..lol, that should still be intact too.  Okay, I'm done.  That's my rant for the day.  And, before I go, please nobody think that I don't want my kids around!!  I love my kids with everything I've got and if I had to do all of this over again I would.  I would give up my freedom every second of every day just to make sure that they have what they need...just would be nice to get 5 minutes occasionally.   :)
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454371 tn?1221297385
You never stop being a mom. I have 2 kids, both grown. one married and the other in college. I still come in last...lol..lol. It is a life time job....
Sounds like you need to find a good babysitter for a date night once a week. it really helps...
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