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Father had heart attack.. Loosing hope.

Omg.... Just had the worst day ever. Got to school and got pulled out of class by my dads co worker. Turns out he had a heart attack this morning at work.. I went to the hospital and he's not doing so well... He's not awake and it scared me so much. I feel like me telling him I was addicted to oxys put to much stress on him... I immediately called my buddy and bought a 40... I was so upset an rattled i didn't know what to do and that's my first reaction to stress I suppose... I used to get rx but came clean to my doc and told him I didn't want then anymore... Anyway I just need some support guys. I've gone 6 days then a relapse... Then yesterday was clean and this happens today. I'm so upset and I want to be free of this but I'm soo stressed and scared and sad and upset and angry... My god when will this end!?? I'm crying uncontrollably and feel like its my fault.... :(
24 Responses
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495284 tn?1333894042
I am so happy to hear your dad is getting better.  You have many reasons to celebrate all the blessings in your life~~~sara
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Hi wantobefree, just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Easter and I hope your dad is doing better. Hugs and blessings to you and yours.

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Im so glad that your dad is doing better!! I just wanted to share with you that I had a similiar experience like you except I was at work,,this was 20 some years ago,,but my friend called up and my said my dad had a heart attack and I need to leave now and go to the hospital. He was medivac'd to the hospita; in the city. Anyways,,Its a traumatic experience. Even to this day I can remember the panic and terror that set in.Dont be too hard onyourself. We are so used to self medicating ourselves because we dont know how to cope. It takes time and patience to learn how to do all that again and its like our brains have amnesia (we coped normal for years,,until pills). And it feels,,weird at first. TRUST me when I say that it does get easier,,that why aftercare helps for that support. (For me it does). 6 days or 600 days it doesnt matter,,what we all have in common here is that we are clean,,just for today. One day at a time. Great Job on your test! ((hugs))~Bkitty
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Oh wantobefree, that is fantastic news!  I'm so very proud of you and happy that your dad is doing better and you have a nice, long weekend to look forward to. I am so impressed with the strength and maturity you have.  I have faith in you.

Hugs and blessings to you and your family,

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hes awake and talking and seems to be coming around even more... still clean! hah im starting to come around now too. still sore all over and going to school along with this is taking a toll on me.. my g/f is coming home this weekend too so im excited for that and  3 day weekend! thank god! lol anyway still difficult but the longer i go the stronger i seem so hopefully that keeps happening for me.  school ***** :( lol thanks for being here guys means alot...
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What a wonderful post, snakejones. You said what I attempted, only much better.

Wanttobefree, just wanted you to know I am thinking of you today.
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Hi there---I am so glad to hear the good news that your daddy is doing better today. I just found out or I would have written sooner to try to comfort you. The medicines they give can make people very sleepy, especially morphine. It's one of the oldest, and one of the best remedies for a heart attack. Other medicines are used to soothe the patient as well so their body can begin healing. Did you know that the body starts trying to heal within 5 minutes of a heart attack? The human body is just the most interesting thing on this planet as far as I am concerned. I'm so sorry that your dad had a heart attack, and I know you are beside yourself with grief and worry right now, but if he had to have one, this time in history is the best time.
Calm down, my dear, and give your daddy a big smile and hold him and tell him you love him. If you cry, that's okay, too. Just leave everything but love at the doorway. No talk about drugs or guilt. None! He is proud of you and loves you, and that's all it takes to mend a heart. Don't damage your own heart as well by holding yourself responsible in any way for that heart attack. When your dad's tests come back, you'll most likely see that his heart attack was a long time coming.
If life has taught me anything, it's that you can't say "I love you" too often. Say it and show it---and I'm sure you do with your daddy. All the best to you and your dear father and the rest of your family as he gets better--Margaret xox
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GREAT NEWS!  Thanks for the update - keep on moving!
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What fantastic news!  Both of you are now on the mend!  What could be a better outcome than that?  I am so thrilled.  Please know that we all care so much and have been pulling for and praying for both you and your father!

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Great news! I am so glad! Great job on that exam. I knew you could do it. Thank you for giving us an update.

Take care of yourself and keep up the excellent work!
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Dads doing good... Had to write an exam today and got. 90 and haven't taken anymore... Life doest stop for me so gotta keep pushing myself....seems dad is coming out of it slowly which eases up on me some too... Thanks for the support!!!!! Means soooo much!
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I second Minn's post - thinking about you hoping you are both okay!
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Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your family. We're here, please post when you can.


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Wantobefree, Addicted and Gasten's posts are spot-on. They have been through a lot and can give it to you straight.

We don't want to see you make the same mistakes we did.

One of the hardest things we have to learn about life is that it is hard. A pill may numb the pain for a while. It will be there when the high wears off. Oh, it is so easy for me to give this advice. So very difficult to follow it. I realize that.

I am thinking of and praying for you, your dad, and your family. Please keep us updated. We do care and want to be there to with you through this. We will help you get back up. We'll cry with you and celebrate your accomplishments. Remember, you made it through a week of school while going through wd. You have the strength within.

Love, hugs, blessings and peace to you and your family.

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495284 tn?1333894042
I am sorry to hear about your dad.  I hope he will be okay.  You need to be okay also.  This is not your fault.  We dont hold that much power.  The best gift you can give yourself and your dad is to stay clean now.  I didnt do that when my dad was sick with cancer.  It is still one of my biggest regrets.  Let us know how you and your dad are doing~~sara
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It is SO easy for us to take on guilt, isn't it?  Yet, the odds of your father's heart attack being caused by the news of your addiction are extremely low!  I am certain he had an underlying heart condition you and perhaps other family members were unaware of.   Our first instinct is to blame ourselves.  I am sure you will find when the doctors do tests and explain to your family, that there IS some heart condition which caused it.   I am so sorry you are going through this pain!  My father, too, suffered from heart disease, and I know how devastating it can be.  Trust me, YOU are not to blame!  This is FALSE GUILT you are taking upon yourself.  Try to calm yourself and let your father see you there holding his hand, loving him, speaking reassuring words to him, which will be the most healing act you can do for him right now!  God bless you!  I will send up a prayer for both you and your father right now!
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Man I so feel you I used roxys all through college.to deal with the stress of going to a really hard.school and studying finance. It ttslly sucked and i had so much pressure on me at all times I was always looking for a easy fix tk escape reality. Well look where that got me. I am gunna tell u right now please take it from me I had everything and i mean everything going for me top of my class tons of Job offers the perfect girlfriend and a great family. I lost everyone of those tl this ****. I found myself at a point I no longer thought I could go on I contemplated suicide many times and i thought I had failed not only myself but my dad. He is a wonderful father too and very hard worker and when he learned what I was doing it broke his heart. I did not fix myself for 3 years after that. The pain I've caused my family kills me but now we have moved on and i am forgiven. You can be too but u have got to make the right decisions from here on out. There is so much pain and sorrow u can skip by doing this now. As bad as u think it is now it gets much much worse. U can reach the deepest darkest place and if u continue to use the next day ull be even deeper if u can imagine that. Please please make this a life changing experience and promise yourself and your father that u will clean up. Ur a smart kid and u got soo much going for u that u can't take for granted. So many would kill for the Opportunity that god has given u. Use this to enjoy life because life really is great and the clouds do pass and the sun will shine again I promise u. Stay positive and keep posting we got your back.
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I am glad you and your dad have such a close relationship. A lot of kids and parents don't these days. I believe he knows how much you love him. I know it is hard to know your dad is in that condition as I have had to go through it with my grandmother, with whom I was very close. I wish there were some way to give you and your family some comfort. The only way I know of is hugs and prayers.

I am thinking of you. You can be there for your loved ones, sober. I believe this.

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Yea me and him are super close... He's the best father anyone could ever want. I know I wasn't right to go get drugs and regret it already because if I told him I relapsed he'd probably have another one... Im just having a hard enough time with school and making it through life right now as it is and this is like hell on earth x10 for me right now.... I gotta quit and stay away from this evil drug. Gotta strengthen my will to keep going no matter what I guess... Thanks for the support everyone. It's been a rough ride but I gotta keep pushing myself to be a better person.... God this is hard enough as it is and it just got a lot harder. But I know it can be done if I want it bad enough...
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Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. As a parent, it would break my heart for one of my children to blame him or herself for any of my health problems. I don't know about your relationship with your dad, but based on your reaction I venture to say it is a good one. I don't believe he would want you to take this upon yourself. I am pretty sure he is proud of you for graduating and going on to college. And I think, again as a parent, while he probably was saddened by your addiction, he was glad you confided in him.  You are an intelligent, conscientious, determined young man and you have the strength within to overcome your addiction.

I am praying for healing for both of you, and for your family.

Hugs and more hugs,

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I'm sorry to hear about your dad..I know its hard to deal with stuff like this and i can't say that wouldn't put me over the edge too. It's not your fault don't blame yourself there could have been health issues unknown until now. I hope he has a full and fast recovery. Will be in my prayers. Take care
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Sorry to hear about your dad.I know this was horrible day for you..Dont blame yourself for your dad..It wasnt your fault..Hang n there,Try and be strong he definitly will need your support after this..Will say prayer for you and your dad tonight...
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Ah I'm so sorry, hope he is okay.  This isn't your fault but you sure are getting a crash course in "life is fleeting" today.  Sending you prayers for your Dad.

Life is gonna throw you all kinds of curve balls that is certain, finding more healthy outlets to handle stressful situations is really important.  It is okay to feel grief it means we are alive, it is okay to feel that adrenaline - FEELING is good even if the emotions attached to it are sad or fearful.

Deleting the numbers of dealers is really important and telling anyone close you can't cut out that they are NOT to give them to you no matter how you beg. Using or not is a choice each of us make - life doesn't care that you are fragile, life just happens and at some point you either learn to deal with these things and stay clean or you don't and then you aren't.  Not trying to be harsh - just real.

I truly hope your Dad is okay.  
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1866508 tn?1333984613
Hey Want2..........First of all my Prayers for your Dad  and for You.....please calm down and take things a little slower....I'm sure your Dad is in good hands......and I seriously doubt if your telling him about your addiction caused his heart attack....so calm down and take some breaths and focus yourself.....you need to be as together as you can and using is NOT going to help you accomplish that....stay strong and I will send prayers up and peace and calm for you ....peace and prayers.....

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