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Lortab Withdrawls??? :(

I am in pain, physically and emotionally. I dont even wanna get out of bed in the morning, I dont wanna eat, i dont wanna do anyhting! my body feels so weak and larthargic. I have been off and on lortabs for various things, I never had a problem, until recently. I found a dr. that was prescribing me 90 at a time, I was taking 2- 10mg at time every 3 hours for 7 months straight. I absolutly love them! I have a lot of anxiety and they just relaxed me perfectly, but at the same time gave me the energy to do what i needed to do. I had gotten into this  wonderful routin with them, my family forced me to quit and now life just plain *****! I dont know what to think or what to do :(  I just want my lortabs! Nobody around me knows anything about it, they have called rehabs for advice and Im doing what they say but nothing eases this pain! Any advice would help.
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Hot showers help! I am on day 4. Feel like crap, but i think fresh air also helps. Best of luck to you all!
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I have taken norcos/oxys for 3 years ending in 2007.  I swore I would never do it again, yet here I sit.... reading posts about addiction.  I have tried and tried to stop.  When I first started, I was taking 1 1/2 oxy 80s per day... the equivalent of 24 5-500 vicodins.  That withdrawal was the worst I could imagine... no sleep... muscle aches and pains... what helped me.. weird as it is to say... was poppy pod tea... it tasted like ****... but got me through the physical part.... the psychological part lasted 2 months.... sadness.... suicidal thoughts... but family helped and i got through it... which makes me wonder how I sit her again.... 3 years later... yet on 1 year long binge of vicodin/norcos..... i am constantly hurt... so i had access... if not... i live by mexico... and used to get them off the internet.... i only take 5 norcos a day now... but tried to stop.... and felt the old pain.... i have methadone... but i feel like that is using bacardi 151 to stop drinking beer....   anyway... i once again an scared... because.. yes... the pills made me relaxed... gave me energy and confidence... and made me excel at work and socially... so its hard to retrain myself to do it sober... wish me luck....
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I am SO glad I came here... I had an addiction to vicoprofen sp? for about 4 years..along with xanax. I decided to just stop everything cold turkey...and WOW..I went through withdrawls for OH..about a month. I saw things...trimmers..sweats..had NO motivation..and like alot of you talk about...all the things that I loved doing while on pills...I didnt have the drive to do anymore. So ..after about 2 months..I felt normal again..and I was the OLD ME..I actually feel good on them..but get bitchy when I take too many. I also dont eat when I take them...so...that doesnt help my headache.

Well...my hubby had back surgery recently..and I also had a c-section. SO ..I had to take them again...a year after being clean. Thing is..I have scoliosis...so my back ALWAYS hurts now..since I have an 11 month old. I am here with him ALL day..picking him up and down..chasing him around. Anyway..I just want to stop.. I want to go back to the OLD Melissa....and I just dont know how. I feel like ****..as we all do.. and it isnt like I have time to feel like **** now ..ya know? Before..I stayed at my mom's house..for a month..in bed..literally. Actually..it was 3 months. lol

SO..here is goes again..and im scared to go through it..but I know I need to. Also..I get BORED when Im not taking them...just plain bored..lol. I take them for my pain..but I also like to get online and play around when I take them. Anyway..someone PLEASE email and keep in contact with me. I HAVE to stop NOW..for my 11 month old..AND my relationship. I have 2 left..taking them tonight..then im done..I hope. someone message me...please
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Wow....I read these posts are remember the hell I went through geting off Lortab.  They were first prescribed to me 11 years ago when I broke my left arm.  The doctor I was seeing for the injury prescribed them 100 at a time (7.5).  I started with the standard one every 4 hrs....then it became 2...then 3.....until I was up to 5 or 6 every 3-4 hrs.  He never questioned my asking for a refill, and for that I blame him.  I became ill with an upper respitory infection during the last week of my arm being in a cast, and was on all sorts of stuff to clear that up.  Somehow, I got off of them during that time, and really didn't miss them.  Fast forward 2 years, I am pregnant with twins, and have a C-section.  Of course, the medicine they send me home on for pain.......Lortab.  I took them accordingly, didn't abuse (guess the two babies gave me the high I needed).  About 3 yrs. later, I hurt my back, and go to the doctor.  He prescribes Lortab..of course.  Several months later, I am taking 10...yes 10 (7.5) just to get going in the morning.  I knew I had a problem, but didn't know how to deal with it.  I go to my doctor, confess what I was doing, and he prescribed (for the life of me I cannot remember what it was) to help with the withdrawl symptoms.  It worked like a charm!  But did I leave it alone?  NO!
I figured if just took it in moderation, it would be ok.  Let me tell you it was not.  Before I knew it, I was back up to 10 in the morning, then several throughout the day, trying to recapture the bump they gave me first in the morning.  When I finally confessed to my husband I was back on them again, he immediately called the doctor, but this time he told me I had done it to myself, I could just get myself out of it.  I scoured the internet looking for home remedies to detox with, and found nothing that helped.  Needless to say I suffered for about 2 weeks, (skin crawling, sweats, unable to sleep, nausea, irritability, and just pure hell).   I swore I would never do that to myself again.   It has been several years, and I will tell you the wanting is still there....so much I have to tell myself every day that I could have died from the amount I was taking.  I don't know if the craving will ever go away, but I certainly hope so.  I wish I had more positive feedback for you, that the craving will go away, but in my case it hasn't.  Good luck to you, and never hesitate to ask for help.  There are plenty of people who have gone through the same thing!
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942290 tn?1252618549
what a perfect comment. you summed it up so well in that comment.  yeah, they turn on you later on down the road. where you will be taking much more just to feel half as good,as you originally felt in the first year or two of addiction.

yes, take it from a five year vike addict(me) and a 1 1/2  year methadone at the same time(worse wd's you can imagine)  If you think its bad getting off them now, wait till you are on them for a long time. although it still can be done then, it will take about twice as long too shake off.

get out NOW,while it will be much easier.
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557230 tn?1269429829
I completely agree with troubleinohio.  I was right where you were with the feel goods from oxycodone.  I have a FT job, 2 young kids, house to run and I thought the percocets were awesome. Just 2 (10 mg of oxycodone) Made me feel relaxed, happy and energized all at the same time.  But that was very short lived.  at about 8-9 months, even the highest doses were only making me feel normal.  By the end, I was up to 60 mg of oxycodone at a time and still didn't get that good feeling anymore, and I was a zombie on top of it.  Eventually, narcotics steal everything good about life away from you.  Use this gift your family has shoved in your hands.  Embrace it, be grateful.  You will miss the worst that drugs can do. When I opened up to my husband and told him I wanted help to quit, it was the best decision of my life.  Coming onto this webside was the second best decision!  I am now 408 days clean off narcotics, and I get so much joy from everything.  It will get better, I promise.

Keep posting and stay the course.  
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also, my doctor told me to STOP Benadryl immediatly! I causes RLS and really bad anxiety! I quit taking them and I seemed to improve. I dunno if this helps. I see a nuerologist for this for what it is worth. I also am very pissed off all the time too now so hopefully it will get better. Your not going through this alone! Good Luck!
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230262 tn?1316645934
you wrote:  """"  so now i just sit home all day, thinking about my lortabs, a few pills that make you feel wonderful and give you a great amount of energy!!! who wouldnt love that?! """"

Well, thats how most of us got addicted initially, and a lot of us due to back pain started us on this road to hell also (including myself). Let me tell you something...y ou have only been taking them for 7 months.  Ive been fighting this battle for about 4 years now. Others out there even longer than that..... GET OUT NOW WHILE YOU CAN.  I know it suckss right now really bad, but this WD will pass soon!!!!!!  Trust me when i say that if you continue back on them, this "honeymoon phase" will not last long......oh no... Soon they TURN ON YOU. They no longer will give you any high or euphoria , no energy, no relaxation and you find yourself only taking them to keep from feeling the WD's.  You will spend days dopesick and miserable in between refills or however you get them and unable to function. They will rob you of your SOUL.   you are NOT a better mother on the pills, trust me.  I also have children, two boys , ages 6 and 4 (getting closer to being 7 and 5 though).  Be glad you have your husband at your side to support you. During most of my active addiction, I was in an abusive relationship of almost 20 years duration, and not only did not have his support, only his abuse. It was a very hard battle. I left him a year ago now.  I still have had my relapses and problems. I have chronic pain and several unfortunate accidents that required me to get back on narcotics again over the last 2 years or so, and not once could i take them as RX'd unless I was given something that was not my DOC or a strong opiate (although percocets never agreed with me, always made me very pukey and crapppy feeling) Vicodin was my DOC and i cant even tell you how many i used to eat a day. I truly fear my liver is in dire condition. Yours will end up that way too if you dont steer clear of these evil pills. ALso, your marriage will very likely deteroriate if you go back to using the pills again. Your husband is giving you a chance right now to do the right thing...dont mess it up, Trust me.   People have lost EVERYTHING due to these pills. Their jobs, their spouses, their children, their homes, their freedom (in jail), their health and some pay the ultimate price with their lives.  Please dont go back to them. You have no idea how bad it will get. I speak from experience, so does everyone here. There are several people here who have lost loved ones due to their addictions. Dead and gone from overdoseage or liver failure or suicide.   So please take this opportunity you have been given by your family and husband, take their hand and let them PULL YOU OUT OF THIS PIT FROM HELL before you lose everything.  You've only been in 7 months which isnt that long in the grand scheme of things. Your brain may not have been altered too much yet and you may get lucky and not suffer long term depression that alot of us have from much longer useage.
Good luck and please keep us posted no matter what.
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Thank you both so much! I will pray for you. I cant remember what life was like before tabs, I have tried.Nothing seems worth doing without them :( I used to be so motivated, now getting out of bed seems impossible. I dont wanna eat, sleep, or even breath. A nurse told me to take Benadryl, and it does seem to "take the edge off" have you tried that? oh and the rehab center said LOTS OF WATER...doesnt make me feel better, just bloated and still pissed.
I have felt like such a lonely, horrible mom and wife. You have made me feeel better.
Thanks again!
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401095 tn?1351391770
having somone who supports u is a huge thing..many do not have this....ur dose is do-able..make a plan that includes aftercare..and keep posting
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My husband told me the same thing I thought I was Super Mom with them I have 3 girls. 8, 3, and 2 yrs old. I am a witch now too. I am not sure what normal is anymore? But I am giving it a shot. I try to think back to when I didnt take them-it's hard to remember how you were. but I know i was a happy person and got things done and took care of my children. So, that gives me hope. Try to remember life before the Tabs. Also, I am looking forward to the part of not worrying about them anymore, On them you are always worried about your next one and going to the dr. or running out. Won't we be glad not to worry about that anymore! Good Luck!!!! And Pray for me Too. I am only a little bit ahead of you but I am still in your same shoes! Let's help one another!
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I have been reading your other posts, thats why I was glad when you responded. I have an 8 year old daughter. I thought that I was more calm, and a better mother for that because of the tabs, My husband said " No you werent yourself, you were horrible"  When I would start to come down off them, I was a witch! I couldnt wait to get more in me. I love everything about them! I dont if I will ever feel "normal" again?????
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ur welcome. I m glad to help! You sound exactly like me! I have 3 children great husband too. And I feel the same way about the Lorcet! But you gotta find all the reason why you don't wanna take them within yourself. That's what helps me. I had a few good days  off them and then today i wanted them more than anything but taking xanex really seems to help me too. You should read my other posts and they will explain more about my situation, I am also looking for answers of when this hell will ever end! This site also really helps me. and getting out of the house as hard as it seems will help too. If you need to talk I am here. and YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU WANT TO!
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I am surrounded by my wonderful husband, loving mother and so many great people, but not one of them understands what this feels like, thank you so much for letting me know im not alone!
Life is just plain miserable right now :( My hobbies that used to make me happy, now disgust me. I started taking the tabs for back pain cause of my job. My husband made me quit my job cause being a lortab addict wasnt worth it, so now i just sit home all day, thinking about my lortabs, a few pills that make you feel wonderful and give you a great amount of energy!!! who wouldnt love that?!
Saturday morning was the last time I took my tabs and I just feel like death!

Thanks so so much!
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Although I was addicted to Lorcet 10s its about the same. I am by far no expert, but I am on day 7 of quiting. I too was kinda forced to quit and hated it and hated everyone. And just wanted to use today too. After about the 3rd day I wasn't in pain anymore and days 4-6 were much better! Day 7 today was hell again for me. After reading on here I have found that the first 2 weeks are the worst ups and downs. but really the first 3 or4 days. you will have good days and bad days to be realistic. However after about 2 weeks you should get better. I have had and sometimes still do have your EXACT symptoms. For me getting on a med for the anxiety helped me alot. I would suggest going to the dr. and talking to them about this. If you ever need anyone to talk to I am here. If I can do this Anyone can! I was very pesimistic about this too, but you gotta find it within your self to want to do this or deal with it somehow. For me I just had to say OK I have to do this I might as well make the most of it! Because I didn't have any other options.
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