754367 tn?1233692384

My 4 year old

MY little girl has always had behavior issus. We have had her in counceling and at times I thought she had ADD. Food allergies run in the family CORN ,WHEAT, CHOCOLATE. I have been doing alot of reading on food allergies being linked to behavior problems. What I was wondering is if anyone else has heard about this or delt with it? Thanks
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Food allergies can very definitely cause behavioral problems, in both children and adults. The most common cause is probably from "leaky gut' leading to IgG antibody reactions to food proteins and peptides.

If there are known allergies to corn, wheat and chocolate in your family, you should have your daughter tested to see if she has an IgE immune response to these foods ( "true allergy"), or if she has a IgG antibody reaction (food intolerance, or food sensitivity).

Whether there are signs of an intestinal problem or not, healing an inflamed or leaky gut ( also called intestinal hyperpermeability ), and taking the correct digestive enzymes with all meals for awhile, can remove food sensitivities.

Did you know that the same neurotransmitters that are in your brain are also in your intestinal tract? Any over-the-top behavior problem, or excessively sensitive person may actually be having a "gut reaction" to a situation because of intestinal hyperpermeability. It's much more common now than most people realize.

If you would like to know more about this, you might like reading the book,  Enzymes for Digestive Health and Nutritional Wealth by Karen DeFelice. This book really opened my eyes to what's happening to our children's health.  I strongly recommend this book.  (you can order it from Amazon.com).

Hope this helps.  Enzy
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754367 tn?1233692384
Thanks a bunch I actully made an appt with an allergy specalist today.
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483733 tn?1326798446
When my son was young he would have behaviour issues and get quite hyperactive.  I figured out on my own that red food colouring (beware, it can also be in purple and blue and orange stuff) was doing it.  Just one little cinnamon heart and he'd be off.  What a difference when I took that out of his diet.  Good luck!
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Please hear me out. STAY AWAY FROM GENETICALLY  MODIFIED FOODS!! (GMOs) It must say Non-GMO on the package.  ALL CORN (most wheat)  from your regular mass producers (Think big name packaged goody companies and cereal companies) use GMO corn and wheat.  I know organic is more expensive. But GMOs cause a host of problems including INFIRTILITY in your child and grandchildren later on.  Many studies have recently reported studies which support this finding, GMO's are suspected to be the leading cause of  Irritable bowel Syndrome, Crone's disease etc.  It is known to be related to allergies and gut problems in young children.  Please do some research! This no small thing in your child's gut issues.  It may be the cause, it is definitely worsening things.  GMO's break open the cells in the digestive track using a GMO seed with built in insecticide! designed to grow crop which cracks open the insects gut on the inside.  Well guess what, it is doing it in humans too.  More and more problems related to these issues are being reported. People think "oh the problem is the wheat gluten" no the problem has become the wheat gluten because your gut can no longer process GMO wheat (sorry I digress) but get your child on Organic grains and fruits and veggies...."grains and the biggest culprit" of digestive issues right now...and now you know why. But don't take my word for it...INVESTIGATE for yourselves.  Research "Round Up" for more info. Peace.
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Sorry! I forgot to mention the most important think related to your topic and why I brought up the issue above. Along with GMOs, cereal companies had BTH (or BHT?) on in the food for packaging.  There is a well know ling to frontal lobe problems (front of brain) related to this chemical.  It is as bad as giving them pure sugar.  Kids with ADHD/ADD Autism Tourette's OCD must stay away from this additive.  IT has horrible effects, and because you think you are giving them healthy cereal, you wouldn't guess it's the cereal packaging.  Buy organic cereal and this well help a lot. please contact me if you have any questions, I have a boy on the high end of the Autism spectrum and ADD.  I am also a health researcher by profession.  Peace.
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168348 tn?1379357075
My daughter had issues with tyramine in the chocolate.  It took 6 weeks into a total food elimination diet under the guidance of her allergist to detect this was the root cause of her symptoms which included joint pain, too!

This was 12 years ago.  
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