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9 month baby allergic to amoxicillin

my 9 month daughter had been put on amoxicillin for her sinus infection.  when we started giving it to her, she seemed fine up until 2 weeks later then I noticed what looked like tons of mosquito
bites on her leg.  couple days later, I noticed she had these red & white welts on her arm & was quickly spreading to her chest, back & up to her neck.  I was panicing so i rushed her to the er & the doc said she had hives from the amoxicillin.  they gave her benadryl, so we took her home & the next morning, it seemed worse... infact, her ears were so swollen I had to take her earrings off!  I've been giving the benadryl every 6 hrs for almost 3 days & it seems like (to me) that the benadryl is making it worse.  the hives go from
good to bad to good to bad again.  I just want it to go away!!!  is anyone else experiencing this similar problem?  
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168348 tn?1379357075

Welcome to the community.  The hives arean't changing or being noticed after bathing, right?  Because the warm water will sometimes make them get bad again and the rash appear and get worse then get better again.  There's a Benadryl that's dye free that they make .. may be worth a try using that one in case it's something in the Benadryl since that is the first time being intro'd, too.  I'm not a Dr or medical professional, just a mom with too much allregy experience with 2 of my 4 children.

Hope this helps .. keep us posted and I hope she is doing better soon.  The other thought that comes to mind is this allergy is not related to the amoxicillan and isn't going away because of the trigger and it's coincidental to the med.  But I'm not a medical professional, so may be worth asking your dr and givning him/her an update.

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hey, thanks for your advice :)  my daughter's hives seem to be getting better, but it's already been over a week & it's still there.  her hives seem to act up when she's hot or after she takes a bath.  I took her back to the doc & they said I just have to wait it out & to give her benadryl only if she needs it.  I gave her benadryl for the past week straight & I feel like I don't want to keep giving it if it isn't helping.  I'm hoping this is only a "temporary" thing since the amoxicillin is already out of her body & the hives goes away for good.  the doc also said it probably started with the antibiotic & then afterwards her body mustve released the wrong histamine which then caused a bad reaction (hives) to her body.  my poor baby, it's so sad to see her like that- I'm just glad she's not in any pain or discomfort.  thanks again!!
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