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Allergies, sinus infection and dizziness

In May I began to have dizzy spells which coincided with a sore throat and earache, which cleared up on their own. However, dizziness and fatigue continued for several weeks. The dizziness resembled being carsick, with lightheadedness and occasional moments of nausea and feeling faint (but I never passed out).  I had a CAT scan and blood work twice, and so far no diagnosis for the dizziness/fatigue.  It got better for a few weeks but last week I began to have dizzy spells again, this time accompanied by maxillary sinus pressure.  I had just switched allergy medications, from Nasonex to generic Flonase, right at the time my symptoms returned.  Could allergies have led to a sinus infection?  Can the sinus infection cause dizziness and fatigue?

Due to the holiday weekend I haven't been able to call my doctor, but after 3 prior visits he's never suggested sinuses to be a cause.
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I didn't read through this whole thread, but I have a lot of the same symptoms as many others talk about: dizziness, sore throat, eye pain, stomach aches.  My symptoms began getting serious when I lived in Japan through the rainy season.  After a few years of sore throats in the Bay Area, my symptoms got way worse every rainy season in the Pacific Northwest.  Once after staying in a house that had a serious mold problem my daughter and I were so sick after two weeks (when the mold was discovered), that we had to fly to the midwest to stay with family.  Whenever I am around moldy mattresses and dust I get a strange panicky sensation that affects my breathing and consequent insomnia.  I have taken blood tests and even took anti-depressants for a short time to deal with this situation.  Because I am so sensitive even allergy medicine affects me poorly.

I have come to accept that I probably just have a serious mold allergy, and that it's not very well understood.  In chinese medicine there is treatment for this type of sensitivity/illness.  From now on I plan to try to alleviate my symptoms through that route as I have had absolutely no help from any type of western medicine doctor.  
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If you read some of the sites that discuss sinus allergies a common symptom is that post-nasal drip can drain down into your stomach and cause an upset stomach and even diarrhea.  I've had the dizziness/light-headed symptoms for over a year now.  Got an MRI and everything was fine but my PCP noticed fluid in my sinuses so he recommended prescription Sudafed and Flonase as well as a Neti-pot.  Those remedies really alleviated all the symptoms and I've been taking the Sudafed and Flonase since but backed off the Neti Pot.  

However, about 2 weeks ago I started to have the same symptoms but this time accompanied with an upset stomach and bouts of fever.  I don't know if my temperature actually increased but I certainly felt like it. Went to a PCP and they recommended I do the Neti Pot for a week and if nothing changes make a follow-up appointment.  After only a few days of the Neti-Pot the upset stomach and fever-like symptoms have gone away but the dizziness still remains.  I'm hoping that this is just a function of some bad fall allergies and goes away.  I live in NE as well and I think that this fall has been bad for certain allergies, plus all the recent rain doesn't help.  I'll write back if anything changes.
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I actually went back to the Dr. today and they hadn't done a mono, so I am really hoping it will come back positive so I can get on with my life...
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I searched the symptoms I've been having and found this string of q's and a's.  I am a doctoral student who is almost finished and in my last rotation.  This all started maybe 5-6 weeks ago when I was on a vacation in Austin.  My last couple days I had a sore throat and thought, oh it's just my allergies.  I have taken zyrtec every day for almost 2 years now and it significantly helps my allergies, but they're always still there.  Anyways, I came back home (NE) and the next week I felt the worst I have in my life:  dizziness, lightheaded, could barely function/walk, upset stomach with diarrhea, etc...  I went to urgent care and they said it was probably a virus and I did 3 days of antibiotics.  A few days later I went to a dr. and they did some blood tests.  A few days after that I felt significantly worse and like I was going to pass out and it was almost like I was having an anxiety attack.  My boyfriend took me to the ER and we had every test under the sun done (CT scan, MRI, blood tests, EKG, chest x-ray, urine and bm samples etc...).  They said everything came up normal, except for a cyst in my sinus cavities, which the dr. said is nothing to worry about (or is it?).  So now for the past month I have had mostly days of feeling lightheaded/dizzy and upset stomach (which is maybe due to the dizziness).  I also sometimes have strange eye feelings, like things are moving slow and I feel high and my eyes are watery and red.  I was talking to a friend the other day who has mono and I thought, oh! maybe that's all it is and I have it too!!! I called the dr. and they said they had done a mono test and it was neg.  Now back to square one after all of these bills racking up...  I made a dr. appt for this week, but I feel like it's hopeless.  Could all of this be allergy related?  I have also felt more anxious because of these feelings and am more worried and I am starting to get depressed.  Just wanted to share what is going on and maybe someone has some enlightenment for me.  Thanks for reading.
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hello to all. every time around aug. sept. i get really bad allergies even on over the counter meds. this aug. they lasted longer then they ever had the whole month every day all day i blew away like three boxes of tissues a day i never went to the doc. thinking they will go away like they always do. they did.and then my neck started to swell (like i was being choked) but could still breath. it when on for about two days it got worse. so i went to my pcp my ears also started popping he asked me if anyone in my family had thyroid cancer? no i told him so they sent me to get a ultrasound on my neck ,gave me amoxicillin 500 mg. for my ears as  they were starting to look infected he also gave me fluticasone propionate nasal spray 50 mg to take every day twice in ea. nostril and sent me home. my ultrasound was for the next day. my "choking" feeling got worse and my husband took me to the e.r  they told me there it was a sore throat go home and sleep at this time my heart rate was up thinking i may have cancer. i have two small kids one is legally blind who will care for them. my ultrasound came back ok while waiting three days for that to come back i was back at the e.r with my neck worse,pain in my head and ears and ringing in my ears they told me that was due to my ear infection and i pulled my neck muscle they gave me muscle relaxers that made me much worse. all i did this whole time was lie in bed thinking i was dying i even wrote a paper will to leave to my husband. ever time i got up to pee i was dizzy and felt  like i was under water with my heart beating so fast and hard i panicked and went back to my pcp there they told me my heart rate was 120 while standing and 77 while lying down i was very dizzy. once a gain they sent me home on meclizine my head still pounded i was still dizzy and no one knew why. my heart rite was still high i once again i was thinking i was dying all i did was lie in bed all day everyday they took blood from me for what i still don;t know other then it came back just fine.  i was going to the e.n.t and in the office my heart rite went nuts and i blacked out my husband called 911 and they told me in the ambulance it was 170 i panicked more screaming and crying out of fear of dying and no one knew what was wrong. there this time they told me i was dehydrated my heart was fine and my ct scan was fine that i also had fluid in my left ear that was four days ago. my heart still jumps but know i know i'm not alone i'm still very sleepy i was thinking brain tumor too but it's not. i have to go back to the e.n.t they believe it may be an inter ear infection and my allergies not draining right i'm still on my meclizine still kinda dizzy and shaking this is the longest i've been out of bed. i will pray for all of us to get better it helps. just keep having faith!!!! we are not alone even if it feels like it. there is hope and we are not crazy!!! please pray my e.n.t app. goes well. my name is amy and i'm crazy with vertigo.
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Omg I'm suffering these exact symptoms I've been off work for three weeks and am still really tired and need a sleep in the day it started with an ear infection then throat aswell doc gave me antibiotics but that seemed to move the infection to the top of my head and behind eyes the pain was unbearable my glands were also swollen and my thighs and right leg ached the earache has now turned into just fluid in the ears I feel like I should have a cold but I sneeze but then it goes away I'm still dizzy but not as much it's the fatigue I can't shake off I'm back at work Monday and don't know how I will cope it's comforting to know others have the same unknown condition or maybe they do know but won't tell us ! Good luck everyone
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