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Allergies, sinus infection and dizziness

In May I began to have dizzy spells which coincided with a sore throat and earache, which cleared up on their own. However, dizziness and fatigue continued for several weeks. The dizziness resembled being carsick, with lightheadedness and occasional moments of nausea and feeling faint (but I never passed out).  I had a CAT scan and blood work twice, and so far no diagnosis for the dizziness/fatigue.  It got better for a few weeks but last week I began to have dizzy spells again, this time accompanied by maxillary sinus pressure.  I had just switched allergy medications, from Nasonex to generic Flonase, right at the time my symptoms returned.  Could allergies have led to a sinus infection?  Can the sinus infection cause dizziness and fatigue?

Due to the holiday weekend I haven't been able to call my doctor, but after 3 prior visits he's never suggested sinuses to be a cause.
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I had all symptoms found in these postings for a month this past June. Three antibiotics, ambulance ride to hospital from fainting at work, prednisone (which worked to alleviate swelling and some of dizziness from sinuses), CT Scan of sinuses-nothing worked. Finally a swab was done and high levels than normal of of Serratia and Staph were found. I was put on 21 days of Bactrim which did the trick. A few days ago I caught a cold from my son, and the pressure and dizziness is coming back. I'm so scared it's returning. Does anyone think it could be a mold issue from a work or home environment?
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Everyone, thanks for all your posts and sharing your stories.
I have been suffering from similar symptoms off and on over many years.
Seems to be more frequent with age, and definitely affected by stress.
A couple of weeks ago my mother passed away and went through a very stressful time and during this time started with all the symptoms of head/sinus congestion, pressure, ear congestion, headaches, light-headed, dizzy and nausea. All these symptom led to a couple of panic attacks and a couple of trips to the ER and several doctor visits. All attributed it to a viral sinus infection or at least they were in agreement after I shared my last several dr visits. I was given prescriptions of Predinisone and Veramyst nasal spray  before this happened because of mild sysmptoms and everything got worse when the stress started. I have now been prescribed Amoxcillin, Amox-Clav (bad stuff), Singulair, and basic Flonaise, in adddition to my normal BP meds. I also take OTC sinus/congestion meds, and use a neti pot frequently when i feel the congestion building up. After I take these, I can definitively feel the glue-like drainage of gunk...that I can't really hack up and out so it goes straight down my throat :-(......I feel like a walking med-cabinet..I am convinced this is allergy related and will try to find a doctor to work and identify my allergies. I know from past test,  I have mild allergies to some grass, trees etc and dust mites but I'm think they are getting worse  or new allergies are creeping up. I am interested to find out if they are food related. I can relate to many of the stories, as I have had the spectrum of feelings from being scared I was dying, had a terrible disease to just man-up and fight the symptoms...its been a roller-coaster.A couple more ideas I will look into, I was told once by a ENT that congestion can be caused by Acid Reflux, so I am going to visit him again and see if that is still an issue...I am close to beginning a CPAP therapy for Sleep Apnea and am also wondering if this could be the cause. I have heard alot of horror stories about Sleep Apnea. Bottom-line as part of all this I am determined to exercise more, eat healthier and try to get off any meds possible.  I appreciate all the information, leads and will report back with anything i find that works. Good Luck and stay strong
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THERE'S HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have had chronic dizziness and vertigo for 8 years now first two years lost my job and most of my savings from the extreme symptoms. I have had a battery of scans blood test vi-tam therapies, steroids, antibiotic treatments even went too Thailand and china looking for specialist. I have had 15 lyme disease and bordatellatest everything has come back negative. 6 years ago they told me i was crazy and went through 2 years of anti crazy medications please don't do this too yourselves unless you think you really do have a mental condition. You have to get really, really nasty sometimes with the medical doctors who are treating you, They have enormous ego's and if you don't fit the main stream symptoms its very hard to diagnose. I have tumors in my sinuses and and irreparable damage to the tubes in my ears. Don't take what they tell you as Gospel, you know yourself and your body you know when something is just not rite. It took me standing on the doctors desk screaming at him to finally get something don. don't let this happen to you. I have permanent nerve damage and am in a lot of pain now really nothing i can do at this point. I was 30 when it started, very active in shape. I have 3 kids and am struggling to stay vertical now my life changed the day i got dizzy. Don't let anyone hand you a bunch of bull. All my blood test were  normal all my scans were good all the dye in my veins and the ex rays, MRI, Sleep test, EEG, EKG, Stress test. Nothing showed what was wrong push to find out make them look. Cameras are cheep now(make them actually look). After being dizzy for years you can pass a dizzy test. It doesn't mean you don't have a problem.
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I have been sick with a lot of the same symptoms for 8 months. I've been to several Doctors and had all of the tests and even went to John's Hopkins. They are treating me with blood pressure meds and migraine meds. Over the last 3 months they have increased my meds times three. Going to another ENT next week after a CT showed some issues. My primary care Doctor doesn’t think it is related to my sickness, but I’m not too sure.
I have been off work for the entire time and my employer is about to cut me lose. I need help!!
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I had all these symptoms including the headaches for eight months. Went to numerous and varied doctors. Took lots of different meds. Nothing worked more than temporarily. I then went for allergy testing and have been taking allergy shots weekly for several months now. I am now headache free, dizziness free, tinnitus free. Thank God! I never thought it was allergies as I didn't have the runny nose, itchy eyes, etc symptoms.
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