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Allergies, sinus infection and dizziness

In May I began to have dizzy spells which coincided with a sore throat and earache, which cleared up on their own. However, dizziness and fatigue continued for several weeks. The dizziness resembled being carsick, with lightheadedness and occasional moments of nausea and feeling faint (but I never passed out).  I had a CAT scan and blood work twice, and so far no diagnosis for the dizziness/fatigue.  It got better for a few weeks but last week I began to have dizzy spells again, this time accompanied by maxillary sinus pressure.  I had just switched allergy medications, from Nasonex to generic Flonase, right at the time my symptoms returned.  Could allergies have led to a sinus infection?  Can the sinus infection cause dizziness and fatigue?

Due to the holiday weekend I haven't been able to call my doctor, but after 3 prior visits he's never suggested sinuses to be a cause.
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I have been going through similar problems for the last 8 months or so, and have gotten help in other forums here.  I felt dizzy, fatigue, lightheaded with tingling sometimes in my forehead/top of head area.  After a long work day the tingling would increase in the evening.  When I woke up even after sleeping all night I would feel tired.  Went to doc and she first did MRI on my lower back because I had trouble there.  No results from that.  

My symptoms took a vacation over cold months of Jan/Feb but returned in March.  Went back to GP and she told me I had allergies that weren't draining.  Gave me prednisone to make drain.  Didn't work.  Said it must be an infection and gave me amox and spray.  Didn't work.  Ordered CT on my sinuses and referred to ENT.  CT clearly shows a large blockage in my front left cheekbone sinus canal, which ENT treated with same meds of Prednisone, Amox TR-K CLV 875 mg and nasal spray, but all at the same time and stronger dose to hopefully knock it out.

I started those meds last Saturday and I have to say I'm feeling a bit better.  Tingling is waning and energy when I wake up is also better.  I just hope at the end of the meds it stays away.  ENT did state lightheaded/dizzy are not necessarily symptoms from the sinus blockage.  Return for followup ENT visit in 3 weeks.  

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So glad I have just found this blog.
I started with sinus problems at christmas after a bug in the family and it has just got worse. I am now really struggling with dizziness, sinus pressure in my face and a feeling of blocked ears at times. I have tried all the medicines at the chemist and had 3 lots of antibiotics. My mother - in law has had the same thing and had CAT scan, been to ENT spec and shown up nothing which makes me think why bother? The odd thing is though that when we went to Spain for 2 wks it totally went for both of us?? Plus, I recently had a weekend by the coast and again it was much better?? I wonder if it does have something to do with allergies and the atmosphere. Does that sound mad?!! I have 3 small children and it really gets me down not feeling able to function normally. Good luck and please let me know if you found the magic answer
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Wow.  I've been experiencing the same as everyone on here - sinus pressure, dizziness, fatigue.  It started in November, so it's been 9 months now.  Nothing has helped.  Sinus surgery to fix deviated septum, 7 different antibiotics...

Singulair helps maybe 10% but it depresses me.  No antihistamine has helped at all, which the doc says probably means it isn't allergies, since the body produces histamines in defense of allergies.

Anyone have any suggestions???  Sick & tired of being sick & tired, with no answers.
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Hi all

I cannot believe that this forum has been running since 2008 and everyone is experience similar symptoms and have very little relief.  I have suffered with allergies for many years, even lost my sense of smell at one time brought on by the smell of paint in my apartment.  Anyways I really had not had any serious issues until last November when I woke up one morning with everything spinning.  I was so dizzy I thought I was having a stroke.  I ended up in the hospital. After having brain MRI, it revealed that I had a sinus congestion of my maxiliary and ethnoid glands.  A neurologist saw me at the hospital and tested me with the halpike maneuver. He had me lie down on my back turned my head to one side and everything was spinning and then stopped. He repeated on the other side and my dizzines was gone.  I was told I had vertigo and was released. The dizziness returned and I saw my primary who suggested I do the Brandt Doroff exercise (see youtube) and sure enough my diziness would stop after doing it a few times.  Now 6 months later I am having other symptoms.  I have been feeling numbess on the right side of my face since april and just this morning also on the left side by my nose area.  This is the reason I googled for sinus problems and came across this site.  After reading this blog it makes total sense that all my symptoms are being brought on by a sinus problem.  I was never treated for the sinus like I have read other people on here have so it is possible that I am again suffering from my sinuses.  I have found that when I take Benadryl my numbness subsides so all of this makes total sense.  I hope this may help some of you with your symptoms.  BTW I also saw an ENT who did the ENG test that only made me more dizzy and confirmed that my problem was vertigo. No help. Luck to all and wish you well.
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784382 tn?1376931040
still feeling dizzy
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one thing i'd like to ask is does anyone else get the high-pitched ringing in teh ears along with the vertigo? i had shoulder surgery 4 months ago, and since then i've been battling this vertigo-shortness of breath-ringing in the ears issue. i often feel like that very moment just before you go out under a general anesthesia.
i am ordinarily in excellent health, running, biking, kayaking, andi i abhor medicine. i'm at a loss. i'm not depressed, stressed, or unhappy. i love my wife, kid, and dogs. i don't have panic attacks. i just feel like i am walking in jell-o most of the time. any suggestions?
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