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permanent damage from a single shot of prednisone?

three months ago i received a shot of prednisone for fire ant allergies. i have a minor case of cirrhosis, the shot was 120mg, i was weighting at 135lb and in poor health. that night i experienced the first headache of my life. it was a sharp pain lasting a second right in the middle of my brain. next couple days i had a brain fog that was also new to me. naturally i did not take the steroid pills for weaning. and now three months later, my body has changed. more hair on limbs, less on the head, bushier eyebrows, my skin looks more aged and theres new creases/wrinkles around the joints especially wrist and elbow. i have way less energy and my waist has become rounder. im sure my metabolism has slowed down. but the worst part is that the brain fog sensation persists. its very minor and only noticeable when im focusing on it but it's there. also, i get a discomforting sensation daily that isn't long or strong enough to call headache. they usually last couple seconds but im worried n reminded of the needless shot of prednisone i received 3 months ago whenever i notice the sensation. i was able to google up one article that states 'studies show that steroids cause permanent, debilitating effects after a single dosage' but doesn't elaborate. everywhere else im reading that the permanent side effects r expected after long term use but could it b possible to happen after only a single shot? please help me put my mind at rest in either case. thank you in advance.
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I believe that taking shots of methylprednisone and a decreasing solumedrol pack of prednisone launched me into a permanent state of insomnia.  As a result I suffered with aches in my joints, muscle burning, brain fog and eventually chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.  Its a *****.  I take five drugs to sleep through the night.  i am doing a lot of research to reverse the effects.
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but do u think its possible for it to happen after just a single shot? the fact that i got a headache is what troubles me the most. i had never had a headache or any discomfort in my head my whole life...
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I am having the same problems. Did you ever get your insomnia under control?
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