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My 5 yr old was giving Prelone, Aeroflus and Zyrtec, for hime to take for one week and then vist the doctor. My question is ,  are they saying that he has asthma , is he eventully going to get the inhaler
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Children's airways are very small and sound asmatic even when they don't have asthma.  Also, sometimes doctors will prescribe asthma meds to help patients get over respirataory illnesses more quickly.  Some doctors will try to avoid the asthma diagnosis in some cases, especially children under 8.

We really can't guess what the doctor is thinking, but at this point I would assume that you are just reating some symptoms and that he doesn't have asthma.  "Don't borrow trouble."

Take care and God bless.
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1548028 tn?1324612446
It takes several times of having the same symptoms diagnosed to diagnose asthma.  There are many kinds of asthma-allergy induced, exercise induced, viral induced, chronic.
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