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Class action lawsuit - victoria secret bras

Can anyone tell me about how to join this lawsuit!  I have suffered with these rashes for years and no doctor could ever give me a reason.  No one told me to check my Victoria Secret Bra!!  I won't wear them anymore - it is terrible to have to go through this 3-4 times a year with no reason as to why it happens!  
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we can take the bras even though its been used? and is it all vs bra's or just the ones that people have complained about? do we need a reciept?
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I have just called the 800 number and they said take the bras back to the store for a refund or exchange.
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681858 tn?1226609961
I have been permanently scared under my right breast from a rash that appeared after wearing my Victoria's Secret Bra. I had never tried one of their bras, but am hard to fit, so thought I would give it a try. Soon after wearing it, I developed a painful rash, which developed into painful pus-filled blisters. They lasted for two weeks, and spread up between my breasts into my neck area. I thought I had shingles, at first, but showed it to my daughter-in-law, who is a nurse, and she told me that it appeared to be an allergic reaction. It itched, burned and kept me awake night after night, with no relief, reguardless of the application of hydrocortisone cream, cold compresses, benedryl, etc. I tried everything to get rid of it. Finally, I went bra-less and took lots of Ibuprophen for the pain, Benedryl for the itching,and waited for the rash and pain to subside. I literally stayed at home and suffered it out.  When the welts finally went away, I was left with one dark brown permanent scare under my right breast and 3 smaller scars up the front of my chest. I have no doubt that the bra caused me this discomfort. I kept the bra, deep-down knowing it was the "culprit". Because of the hidious pain and itching and suffering I endured, I want to become part of the class action law suit hoping that no one else has to undergo this discomfort, Thanks to ABC News for the update!
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I, too, have had a rash on both breasts (nipple area) on and off for the past 6 months.  I wear VS bras exclusively including the ones named in the lawsuit.  My doctor gave me anti-itch cream for my rash.  She thought it might be a fungal infection but was not sure.  I will try a different brand of bras to see if my rash goes away.  Can anyone recommend a good quality bra that won't cause this problem?

I won't join the lawsuit but won't buy Victoria Secret in the future.
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I began wearing exclusively Victoria's Secret in 1998 (10 years ago). They were the only bras that gave me the support I needed while still being a pretty piece of clothing. About 8 or 9 years ago, I developed a rash near my nipples and went to the doctor. I was at college so I did not go to my normal GP. After I showed her my rash, she left the room and I could hear her outside saying "I've never seen that before." I was scared. She told me I had ring worm. I was humiliated. How does a grown woman get ring worm on her breast? I decided it had to be from the communal showers at the dorms and took precautions to prevent even minute contact with the surfaces there. I got some anti-fungal cream and the rash seemed to get better, but would flare up periodically. When the cream ran out and the rash came back, I decided to see a dermatologist in my home town. She diagnosed excema. I used a sample of Elidel until I read about it potentially causing cancer. I then started using plain old Noxema (it was created specifically for excema treatment). I just use it when I have a flare up, which now that I think about it happens more with new (VS) bras and not recently washed (VS) bras. I used to think I just had sensitive nipples and the seam of the bra was aggravating the skin. But,  I got some high end bras for my birthday last year and those do not bother me at all, even the very lacy one which I was hesitant to wear because of my "sensitivity".
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Hello everyone - I am djbj in the first of these posts from July.  I have contacted and retained the attorneys that are trying to get the Class Action Lawsuit registered in Ohio. If you have had similar damage as the above please take pictures and keep your records to send to the attorney.  You will also have to send your bras.  The attorney firm is Climaco/Lefkowitz/Peca/Wilcox & Garofoli @ (216) 621-8484.  The more evidence they collect the better the case to get these bras off the shelves.  I, after not wearing these bras since July 20, 2008 STILL have tissue damage in both breasts from whatever chemical they have used.  Beware of the bras Made in China.  And contact Dawn Chmielewski at the above number to get yourselves involved in this lawsuit.
Take care~ Debbie
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