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Class action lawsuit - victoria secret bras

Can anyone tell me about how to join this lawsuit!  I have suffered with these rashes for years and no doctor could ever give me a reason.  No one told me to check my Victoria Secret Bra!!  I won't wear them anymore - it is terrible to have to go through this 3-4 times a year with no reason as to why it happens!  
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I too have had this same rash but it spread down my arms and body occcasionally.  I have photos of the huge welts, and the red hot rash.  The itch was insane!  I went to the extent of changing my laundry detergent, soaps, lotions, and nothing made it stop.  Has anyone experienced this with their panties?  I seem to get the same rash when I wear their panties as well, mostly along where the seams are at.
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Some users here are incredibly insensitive.  Everybody is entitled to their opinions. Although I do agree that some of these posts here are ridiculously. ( wires, etc) I too was a Victoria secret lover. I loved vs bras. Until I found out what the culprit of my deformed, blistered covered breast.

Two years ago, I had a red bump under my left breast. I thought it could have been something cancerous, so I went to the doctors only to find out it wasn’t. He couldn’t figure out what it was, so he prescribed me medication and cream that made me sick.
I figured it’s no big deal, until the blisters bopped, and literally had an open hole on my breast. It bleeds for several days. And is scared for good now.  2 years later, my left breast is completely covered with many blisters, and mind you, the blisters are only on ONE side of the breast, right underneath. It is only in that area, and no where else in my body.

I was scared to tell my family and friends. I thought it was a personal issue, and wondered what I’ve done wrong, not only has it been lowering my self esteem, it caused me stressed..

What made me angry was to find that VS didn’t bother warning their consumers knowing what had happened. They disregard it to make a quick buck, although people’s lives might have been on the line.

Can anybody tell me how to get rid of the blisters and welts? What type of medication did you use? Any otc medication? Please help.
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Count me in too or at least hear my story.  Last September; Sept. 07', I started to get a rash for the most part one of my breast.  It got really bad that i would cry from the pain and how it itched soo bad that my husband would hold my hands so i couldn't scratch at my breast.  I went to the doctor and it seemed she could'nt really tell me what it was so she did a biopsy.  She said she believed it was eczema but i didn't and still don't believe her.  I think that was the only thing she could say without telling me she didn't know.  I noticed a pattern though.   All my bras are victoria's secret and eveytime I wore a specific one (a cotton body by victoria) I would always get this rash that did blister and itched prefusley.  i have discolorization in the spot this rash would appear.  The doctor had checked my bra for lace or frilly whatever but said it was a cotton bra so she didn't think it was the cause.  Hearing these other stories I beg to differ.
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I too would like to join the lawsuit. I have the Ipex bras and the Angel bras. Both cause severe itching despite using harsh deteregents to wash them. When I wear other bras I do not have this problem. Is it only the bras or are people having this problem with other garments such as pajamas or underwear?
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I saw the story on Good Morning America on 11/11/08 about the Victoria Secret bras and reported rashes.  I also have a VS bra that I suspected could have caused the severely itchy, very red rash under my breasts and spent over a year and a half going to an allergist and a dermatologist for treatment.  I have several dated photos of my rash and would like to become part of a class action lawsuit.

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My wife went to the Doctor, many blood tests, had a mamogram completed.  The first time we went for the mamogram they would not do it because the rash was so bad.  I now have over $1000.00 in medical bills because of this issue.  Plus 20 bras she can't wear now...
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