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Class action suit

How do I joined the class action suit against Victoria Secret for these rashes from the "Sexy" bras which I loved and brought 2 at once the week they came out  with them?  I knew it was the bras that I had recently purchased as I alternated between other types of VS bras that didn't do it.  I always thought it was the dye in the bras and that's what I told my doctor who prescribed anti fungus medication.  Formaldyhyde would be the last thing I would think.  Thank God I was off today and watched GMA.  
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I also have the very itchy rash, i have the secret embrace bras. I have changed my soap, laundry detergent thinking it was that, even though ive used the same soap and detergent for years. help me too,
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I have been itching all over and was diagnosed with "hives".  This condition has persisted for three weeks now.  They were all over my body but now have been concentrated just to my chest, back, stomach and arm pit area.  I have been to a dermatologist twice and am scheduled for a third follow up next week.  The rash is terrible, red, whelpy / bumps.  REALLY hot and red.  The itching has almost driven me CRAZY!!  Sad to say, I'm hoping this is actually the cause - at least I would know!  It's terrible, because these really are one of my most favorite bras.
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