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Hives and flu shot

I was recently diognosed with hives. I had symtoms the following day after recieving a flu shot. Do you think the flu shot caused the hives?
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You need to reconsult with your allergy specialsit and talk to him/her about getting you off the medications gradually.

This would be done very slowly with the dose being decreased in a step by step way so as not to cause a flare up of your symptoms.

Let us know if you have any more doubts and also about what your specialist advises.

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Seems the hives reaction following the flu shot is not uncommon.  try the cold and flu forum for more reports.
once triggered, it seems to be re-triggered.
Frustrating when there is so much denial from the medical groups.
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I just mentioned the other day in the fibro / CFS forum that I've had a flu shot once. Despite the fact that I was told that I could not get the flu from a flu shot... I did. Now I'm reading from physicians that you can have a reaction from the flu shot.

My thoughts are this : if you can get Guillain Barre Syndrome, a sometimes deadly autoimmune disease, after getting a flu shot.... then you can certainly get hives after getting a shot.

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After my flu shot my arm was swollen and sore  with small bumps and fever on the arm
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I am a man in my late 30's and got a flu shot 3 weeks ago because my wife is pregnant.  I have had all of the same symptoms as you.

I developed itchy palms the day after a flu shot. They progressed to hives from head to abdomen.  My original doc thought it was herpes.  Nice.  Got all of the pertinent tests and everything came back normal.   Since, I've been to my a dermitologist and she's related it directly to the shot. I have been on 40mg predisone, a prednisone shot along with zertec, zyzal and trimcinolone creme.  They come back in full force every two days or so in the middle of the night.  I was about to go to an autoimmune doctor and allergist.  Now seeing this, I know I'm not crazy.  But...the other possible complications do worry me.   Thanks for posting.
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Craig, I ended up with hives after my flu shot first week of October. The problem is regardless of what causes the hives, it is exteremely difficult to get rid of them. I joined a hive selfhelp group and it is pretty scary to see the number of people who has had to "live" with hives for years. UGH! Mine is calm right now, but it will break out again out of the blue. Nothing doctors or allergist can do for you except pump you up with drugs.
I am currently using Clobex ($300 for 2oz) and Nistarix solution ($75. ) it heals the skin from the harsh Clobex. Histarix ts suppose to eleviate the hives but it doesn't, but it is soothing. Unfortunately I don't have good news for you.
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