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Hives, itching, beer, wine, hair dye...What is going on???

Hello.  I am new to this and desperately seeking answers!  I am a 26 year old female.  No past medical problems.  No past allergies, dermatology or skin issues.  I have been box dying my hair black for about 5 years.  And previously dyed it different colors prior to that.  Last summer I dyed my hair but then went fishing on a really sunny day the following day.  The day after I noticed a rash on the back of my head and neck.  Didn’t chalk it up to much other than the sun irritating my freshly dyed scalp.  I dyed it again after that and wound up getting an irritation around my hair line.  Then my ears started breaking out quite badly.  I was on vacation and the pharmacist told me I probably had burned my skin from the dye.  Two weeks prior I moved into a new place with my daughter and fiancé.  A few weeks after returning from vacation I noticed I had a rash on my upper stomach.  Went to the ER and they told me I had an allergic reaction.  They gave me prednisone for it.  That didn’t help and seemed to make things worse.  The rash spread to my chest, back, neck, arms and legs.  The rash is never in my arm pits, face, private areas or bottom of my hands or feet.  Over the course of 7 months I have had about 4-5 bad break outs where I have to go to the ER, doctor and a specialist.  No one has any answers and it’s like they don’t want to do anything about it.  I have since dyed my hair and each time my scalp just gets gross and starts seeping and oozing.  My ears sometimes too.  The rash is like welts.  I haven’t felt very good.  Normally my stomach just doesn’t feel good and I feel like I’m totally deprived of energy.  Sometimes I go to the bathroom quite often.  Like this morning I’ve already been three times!  And I haven’t even eaten anything.  Sometimes it seems like normal bowel movements.  Other times diarrhea.  Yesterday morning I had a cup of coffee with splenda and half and half, an egg and cheese omelet and turkey back.  I had very bad diarrhea right after.  Sometimes I feel like I could literally sleep all day if someone let me.  And it is so hard to get out of bed in the morning!  Which is unusual for me because prior to moving I was sometimes going to the gym twice a day!  I could go out all night, not get home until after 2AM and turn around and get up at 5:30AM the next day for work like nothing!  At one point I started back to the gym and taking vitamins (multi, B complex, biotin).  I also went on a low carb diet at this point.  Basically cutting out sugar, bread, pasta, and rice.  Eating a lot of veggies, beef, chicken and eggs.  The rash seemed to start to clear up.  Not fully going away (because it never does) but definitely clearing up and the hives simmer down.  I got a cold and everyone else in my house did too so I got off track.  The flare ups started again.  I had a terrible one a little over a month ago.  No one else in my house had any issues.  Then about a month and a half my fiancé started having little bumps and intense itching.  But it did not look similar to mine.  His doctor is better than any of the ones I’ve been too because she did blood work right away.  But she felt that it may be mold in the home.  We had the house tested and it came back negative.  She put us on fluconazole thinking it might be the mold.  That helped a little but it just came back.  His bloodwork came back perfect.  He went to an allergist and they refused to do any type of patch skin test.  I noticed when I drink beer or wine before I even get half way through I am already itching like crazy and the rash is coming back.  I have been on prednisode, fluconazole, antibiotics, steroid creams, allegra, zyrtec, hydroxyzine and NOTHING is helping. All of the doctors act like they just don’t care!  Everything was clearing up recently then I went to play golf yesterday and was at a bbq and it’s like where the sun was hitting my arms (I was in a short sleeve shirt and long pants) my arms started itching intensely.  We use hypoallergenic soap.  I use hypoallergenic laundry detergent.  I ate some crab dip the other weekend and after that I started itching but no hives this time.  I just really have no idea what is going on and I’m just trying to get answers.  
4 Responses
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please look up hair dye ingredient PPD. Its in most dyes especially
black. Banned in many countries  but not USA.
Causes skin rashes all the way to cancer and liver
disease. the more you dye your hair ovr the years
the more chance your body will eventually react to
this poison.
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stop dyeing your hair. its poison to your system. thats why you are having systemic reactions.
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Hi, if you have skin rash and joint pains check with your doctor to rule out lupus. The symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can vary from person to person. The main symptoms include fatigue, joint pain and skin rashes. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) can affect the skin, musculoskeletal, heart, kidneys and the brain. The prognosis depends on the extent of the spread of the disease. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance. Regards.
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Sorry I wrote the wrong age, it's actually 36.  Also one thing I forgot to mention, the other thing I noticed in the past few months is that I sometimes have very bad joint pain?  Which is odd.  But it literally hurts to walk up the stairs!
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