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How much Amoxicillin to give an infant?

Today I took my 15 month old son to one of his regular checkups.  His doctor had noticed some fluid in his left ear and said he had a small infection.  I told her he had a cold and some congestion but I didn't know about his ear.  She prescribed him Amoxicillin for his ear and told me something about the dosage.  All I remember her saying is something about 1 tsp.  I figured the pharmacist would write the dosage on the bottle when I got it so I didn't bother asking the doctor to repeat herself. Well, when I got the medicine today is says take 1 tablet three times daily for 10 days.  The only problem is that the Amoxicillin isn't in tablet form.  It is a liquid.  Does anybody know the dosage they prescribe for an infant?  He is 15 months old and 27 lbs. 7 oz.  Thanks.
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      Amoxicillin is used in treating lower respiratory tract infections, ear infections, ulcers etc. Dose is based on the weight and age of the child. Also dose is decided depending upon the extent of infection. In mild to moderate infections a maximum dose of 25 milligrams/2.2 pounds body weight is taken in two divided doses. IN severe infections 45 milligrams/ 2.2 pounds body weight in two divided doses is taken. You need to speak to your doctor as he has examined your child and can only give the exact information on the dose required in his case. Best.
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dont give the med in a tablet for an infant, report back to the pharmacist, and explain that you baby is only 15 months old,  he should be able to contact the doctor and get the prescription changed,  or mabee the prescription was misread,  please double check with the pharmacist before giving the Tablets to your baby,   good luck. and hope baby will do fine.
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