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I have Aquagenic Urticaria does any one else?!

I've had aquagenic urticaria for 2 yrs now and where I live the doctor told me I am the only one that has this in the city.

I was told to do my research on this disease online because my doctor did not have much information about it because its occurance is so rare.

All the medication that was prescribed didnt work. Even using boxes of baking soda  in the bathtub doesnt work and thats what my dermatologist told me would get rid of the hives in the first place.

I'm sick of just dealing with the growing amount of itchy hives. My doctor told me with aquagenic the hives stay on the torso and rarely go anywhere else. After 2 yrs they have spread and go anywhere depending on the amount of time I'm showering/working out/ or even just standing in the sun or wearing my winter coat, and lately i just always have them.

I've dealt with this all alone long enough and I was wondering if there was anyone else who has it? Are there any other tricks of the trade to deal with this awful disease!!??

thanks alot!! <3 lauren
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I am amazed at how many people suffer from this condition and doctors still know nothing about it. I have had aquagenic urticaria since I was born. Mom told me she freaked out the first time she bathed me. I am like most of you allergic to any form of water touching my skin (shower, swimming, rain, sweat). It's not when water drys on my skin, but when it's there to long. It only happens on my chest, torso, back, and neck. Through the years it's never gotten any worse and if I leave them alone the go away in about 30 mins. From all the responses there seems to be quite a variety of this disease. I agree that AHs help and aloe lotions take away some of the awful itching, but i've honestly learned to just endure it knowing if left alone the blotches will go away on their own. The worst of it is the embarrassment of going swimming and friends noticing and having to explain. People never believe you can actually be allergic to water. It sadly makes me feel better that there are others out there who understand. I hope maybe this will make doctors look at this disease with clear minds and pray they find a cure.
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Hi Tania, I am from a leading weekly women's magazine in Australia and we would love to speak with you about your condition and how you are coping in the hope of helping other people with the condition. If you could please contact me or provide me with your contact details, I would love to chat to you further over the phone. My email address is stacey.***@****
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Granuloma annulare is ROUND like ring worm and is very red in the raised fleshy part. Aquagenic Urticaria is red in streaks with a raised area that can be red or white. These two don't even look alike in mild cases. I woudl get a second opinon
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My 14 yr old son started having the same symptoms over a year ago.  He gets hives any time he is exposed to moisture (water, sweat, humidity).  It happens daily, often multiple times, and it lasts for on average 90 minutes.  It's been a really rough year!  We've been to specialists.  Prednisone only helped temporarily, at fairly high dosages.  Antihistamines didn't help.  Finally, his doctor found a medicine that is working!  PREPRANOLOL.  We are thrilled!!!!  This medication is a "beta blocker".  It is safe to use long term.  It has no serious side effects.  (And the added plus... costs under $3 per month!).  He started taking 10 mg per day, a week ago.  Within a few days, it started helping!  We've increased his prescription to 20 mg.  We have a fingers crossed that this is the answer... so far so good!  I hope this helps all of you as well!  
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1962894 tn?1325400388
in 13 years old and ive just been diagnosed with aquagenic urticaria but ive lived withit for as long as i can remember. and i know how much it hurts because i really like to go swimming with my friends durring the summer and after 1-2 hours it hits me like a bomb of torture and im so embarassed and it irritates me so bad that i have to leave my friend and the only thing that help is like 2-3 pills or tablets of benadril and i just zonk and the worst thing is i can get it any time even when im trimming my lilac bushes and the hive hit me any where even  my scalp and the bottom of my feet. i can feel your pain and it ***** but really god is putting up to the test to see if we are strong and determaned to help this condition get better and hope the doctors finda cure or a better treatment to help us.
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I have Urticaria and I didn't realize but when I played soccer when I was younger, the back of my hands/wrists would get real itchy and hives would form didn't think much of it. One day when I was about 15, we just opened the pool about mayish and I went in and ended up breaking out all over in hives. Had somewhat warm shower and was fine. Thought it could be the chlorine or chemicals and stuff. Happened a few months later at a lake this time (fresh water.)
The next time I was at the doctors I mentioned it. He said its rare but not uncommon. Basically told me to do more research if I wanted to. Since mine wasn't sever, he told me to just take an allergy pill before going into water temps that differ from body temp. Also to gradually get used to the water, so if a pool real cold to slowly get in and not to jump in. And to make sure people are around when swimming.
Since hives are caused by the blood going to your skin, if it's drastic temperature change to your body the blood will rush to your skin, and could faint and drown.( if it was real sever) But just to take a reactine before/ and gradually get used to the water.  
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