5042338 tn?1362733616


Hi every one.  I recently went to my GP with terrible sore throat and swollen glands.  My GP suspected I had Glandular fever and bacterial infection in throat.  She prescribed me with Amoxicillan.  About a week after completing the 5day course, I broke out in a hideous red rash all over my body.  It is itchy as well.  

I went back to the GP who then did a further blood test and nasal/throat swabs.  The result came back that I actually had Influenza and NOT Glandular fever!!!  She suspects that I have had reaction to the antibiotics.  She has made me take a few courses now of Prednisone (25mg), but 8 WEEKS later and I still have this terrible rash.  

It is ugly, itchy and really bringing me down.  I can not find a cure.  Does any one know what I can do or how long this will last!!  It has been 8 weeks already!!!!!

Best Answer
612551 tn?1450022175
Just reading I am disappointed in your doctor's involvement.

A rash is one of the "no-no" of bad reactions to any drug... yet you didn't develop the rash until after you completed the medication, correct?  That does make it possible something else is at fault.

What changes have you had in your life up to the rash outbreak?  

I am not a doctor and don't even recognize the medication names, never mind know anything about them.  But I can say hit with a similar situation I'd ask my doctor if a specialist is needed, and which one.  

I don't know how your health care system works, but if there is a waiting line to see a specialist I think you have grounds for your doctor to request emergency attention.

Hope you get it worked out soon, as a mom you're needed in good health.
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5042338 tn?1362733616
Thank you so much.  Nothing has changed in my life at all...No other meds or anything??  Its weird isn't it?!  And yes I want my health back as this rash has been hanging around for far too long!  I am also not happy with my doctor at all!
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1340994 tn?1374193977
While drugs in the class amoxicillin is in can cause severe allergic reactions, more mild allergy symptoms, such as a rash, can occur at any time during treatment, even up to a week after treatment has ceased. For some people who are allergic to amoxicillin the side-effects can be deadly.  If you take this drug again, the reaction could be worse, so you need this drug listed as an allergy for you forever.  Every time anybody in a medical or dental office or hospital asks you about allergies, you must remember this.  It's a whole class of antibiotics you can't take.  

You can take an antihistamine, at least at night.  
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5042338 tn?1362733616
thank you and yes - i wll NEVER take it again.  I have just seen a dermatologist and he did a blood test which confirms that as well as influenza I have also tested positive for streptococcus!!!  He said that a temporary case of psoriasis can occur when you have this plus drug rash,  So looks like a combo!  He has given me an ointment of steriod plus vitamin D cream to apply.  I have used it for two days now.  Rash is not much different - maybe a little lighter.  He said sometimes these rashes can last 2-3months!!!!!!!!  I really appreciate you guys taking the time to give me some feed back.  Thanks  
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612551 tn?1450022175
The good news is the problem has been identified and is being treated.  The takeaway (live and learn) may be to be sure you remember the medicine that is associated with the problem - put it on your possible allergy list.  

I pray that you will have a record setting speedy recovery, let us know good news as it develops.  

Others read posts to lean and never comment/;reply.  Your experience may help others deal with a similar problem.
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5042338 tn?1362733616
Yes I already have some good news!!  I saw the dermatologist and he gave me  Diavobet ointment to apply daily (steroid/vitamin D).  It has only been 4 days and the rash has significantly improved.  I still have the rash - it is not cured, but instead of being bright red and inflamed, it is now a very dull pink and fading!!!!!  I am so pleased as this has been 9 weeks of HELL!  I still have to apply the ointment daily for another 15 days or so (until used up) so by that time I hope to god it has disappeared.  So happy to see some positive results for once!  Your replies and comments have been a lovely support :-)
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