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What should I do??

On Sept. 29th I fell at home and broke my leg so badly I had to have surgery. While in the hospital, they had me on a morphine pump for several days and then they put me on percocet. I have alot of allergies but I never had any problems with oxycodone. Shortly after I came home the itching started. I'm taking benedryl along with it but it doesn't seem like it's working. I don't know if I should just cope with the itching or call the doctor. This is just ridiculous! I'm running out of med's that I am capable of taking! If I call the doctor, what could he possibly presribe for me now? I just hate all this itching! Any suggestion?? Thank you all so much! :-)
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could be an allergic reaction to the medication. And antihistamines will help with your symptoms. If the present antihistamines are not very effective you can consult your doctor for long acting ones.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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-- I want to thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. :-)  I never called the orthopedist about the itching. I have continued to take the benedryl - not that it particularly helps. I am getting by as best I can. I am a slow healer but although the awful swelling has finally gone away and my pain levels are finally within my tolerance, my leg still looks like a bad science experiment. I don't know what to expect once my therapy begins - but that won't happen for approx.another month or so and I'm really not looking forward to it. So until then I must continue to take it a day at a time ... moving from bed to wheelchair to walker and back again. Once again, thank you for answering my post! I send all my best!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Good to see your doing well. Once the fracture heals completely only then physiotherapy will start. By then there may not be any pain and you should be capable of coping with the exercises gradually. Now as you cope with your post surgical events, please ensure to take a balanced diet, be mobile and get adequate sleep. Take Care.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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