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Zyrtec vs Xyzal

I have had hives since July this year. I had them about 7 years ago, they lasted about a year. I'm taking Zyrtec (once a day), Zantac (2 / day), Doxepin (150 mg @ bedtime), and Benadryl as needed. I had been on prednisone on and off since July but my doctor has taken me off of it (for obvious reasons). Unfortunately nothing I've taken other than prednisone has worked. My hives are particularly associated with pressure (underwear) - Since September i have worn a tank top under my clothes due to hives associated with wearing a bra. Since there are times that my clothing requires wearing a bra (like yesterday) and sure enough, hives were back by last night. Very, very itchy.... i drank a ton of Benadryl (the liquid version since that works more quickly than pills). I am ready to ask my doctor about other options - Xyzal, Atarax (I do have a quickly dimishing number of these pills from when I had to go to the emergency room), and perhaps dapsone. Does anyone have experience with these drugs? Right  now, i'm sitting here feeling so itchy (better than last night, but not good) and discouraged. I would appreciate others experience. Thanks!
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Hi, I came across this forum. Today, I was given a prescription of Xyzal.  I am researching on it now, coz the first time I took it, I had to stop it after only 2 days due to headache. But since November 2007, the first time I had wheals, till now, my urticaria has not left me.  I'd have wheals almost daily, especially when am exposed to cold and after playing volleyball. The Virlix I was taking at daytime wasn't working.  At night, I'd take Iterax and Ketotifen (Zaditen), and when I wake up, the wheals are gone.  They are highly sedating.  But since my wheals still appear daily, I'm currently going through a lot of tests to find out exactly what's causing my urticaria. # 1 suspect is still the Tetralysal I took for 5 months.  Auto-immune disorders are also being ruled out.  In the meantime, I need help to relieve and minimize the urticaria episodes which is why my new doctor told me to shift to Xyzal, which incidentally was the very first med prescribed to me except that i had to discontinue it due to headaches. Now, with the positive articles I saw on the web, saying it would relieve wheals, I'm giving it another try.  I hope I respond to it well.  God bless to all of us allergy sufferers... Thanks!  hope to get more feedback on Xyzal.  Sorry this is quite long... : )
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I have been on claritin, clarinex, zyrtec and xyzal.  I am continuing with zyrtec now becaue of the cost of xyzal ($200/3mo) due to my healthcare selectively removing antihistamines from the formulary.  Xyzal was definitely better for me than any of the others, and I have something more than the standard statement to go with that.

Last week I had an allergy test done.  RAST/Interdermal type.  Right arm had something around 30 shots of different types of allergens and I was not taking any antihistamines as to not interfere with the test.  As soon as the test was over, I was given a xyzal tablet and prescription.  

Tablet swallowed then left. Within the hour all the reaction spots from the test were gone, only small bloodmarks remained and absolutely no itching.  24 hours later I had found out about the price and that this medicine was based on zyrtec which I had taken before and found decent.  I take my meds before bed, so I waited till evening but my shot marks from the previous day started to come back, itchy and swolen.  So rather than pay 200 bucks I took the zyrtec.  The shot  inflamation spots went down to about 10-20% of original, and in fact are still down a few days later but NOT gone like what the xyzal did.  They are visible and itch.

To me this is a pretty clear example that in the case of my body physiology, xyzal is a better medicine.  If it wasnt so darn expensive I would take it.  Then again, I am spending that same money on allergy drops so hopefully I won't need anything eventually.  
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Ive had hives (plus swollen lips and at times, eyelids and eye area)since April  07; had allergy tests on arms  , had blood tests and poo analysed.
No result. Should I do food tests myself?..Home pharmacy kit? Should I get thyroid tested? What do you  reckon on hivotin? If its good then we'd all be cured?
Im on 1 antihistamine tablet a day (tried Xyall Claratin and benadryl:all make me drowsy)
I dont have emergency andrenaline;should I?
Thanks hive sufferers  It's a real pain...
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Hi, I have been dealing with hives on and off mostly on for the last five years...was living in San Francisco, and have recently moved to the Central Valley , CA, in January of 08, and they have increasenly gotten worse....whats the cause, who knows, have been to the emergency room three times with my throat about to close up...have epi pen....causes? Heat, alcohol, stress,tomatoes, sun exposure( forget the tan) cats, dogs, fleas, parents? who knows, but it seems to be happening in full effect at least on big flare up once a month, especially rt before my period....always itching, eyes swell up, lips, it looks like someone beat me up...hands swell up like clubs and my feet too, I know what it does to your self esteem....it *****!!!!!  am getting blood work tomorrow, but was given the prescription for Xyzal, and it sounds good, the europeans usually know best, so I am going to pay the price and fill the prescription...so we will see.........
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535822 tn?1443976780
Me too , I have had Hives or Chronic Urticaria since Mid May after Dental Work, I live in Southern CA , the doctors I have seen gave me HYdroxyzene which made me feel sick and I had pains similar to a Gall Bladder attack and I read Hydroxyzine can cause viral infections, , I have also been given topical cream, but it is steroid so I use sparingly.ant histimes ease the itch but they make me feel so tired even the "non Drowsy ones, I am researching my self and looking for Natural Remedies now. I may give Zyrtec a chance,as it seems to recomended here.I also have Dermographism,that is I break out in lines and marks all over if I run a pen down my arm the mark comes up with the buning immediatly. Any ideas and suggestions out there.
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I went to the doctor and he put me on loratadine, and ranitidine, and gave me a prescription for  Xyzal, they also did blood work to check thyroid, liver, ect and food, pet alllergies.....havn't got results back yet..but when my whole hand and fingers swelled up like a club recently, now that its over, now my skin is peeling...does it ever end?
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