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im suffering from itching in my lower leg almost 5 months and im taking prednisone but its coming back after my medicine finish.its look like a purpura but my igA is normal and some of my laboratory..i need help..
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your history is suggestive of physical urticaria. This can be induced by environmental stimuli, such as heat, cold, pressure applied to the skin, exercise, water, vibration, and sunlight. Hence it is very important to rule out any of these exposures recently before the appearance of the itching or purpura. The triggering factor should be identified and further exposure should be avoided.

This condition can be diagnosed with proper history and allergen challenge test by skin specialist or immunologist. You also need to rule out systemic conditions like renal disease, Cholestasis etc. which is associated with itching.

Initial treatment includes start of second generation anti histamines, as it is not improving, in such cases doubling of the standard dose helps against prescription. Even H2 antihistamines can be considered. Adding steroids can be quite helpful to alleviate the inflammation and reduce itching but long term use is not recommended due to adverse effects. Desensitization methods can be employed if particular agent is identified. Get your ESR, serological tests for autoimmune diseases done.

I suggest you to consult skin specialist/immunologist for detailed evaluation. Take care and regards.
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168348 tn?1379357075


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