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same problem with the smoke odor

I'm so glad to hear someone else is experiencing the same problem.  No answers and no solutions.  Yet, I have the same problem.  Smelling cigarette smoke in my nose.  By the way, when you are driving on the road, if someone is smoking and it's blowing out their window, it will come in through your air conditoner.  That's why you smell it when you are on the road.

This discussion is related to constantly smelling cigarette smoke.
99 Responses
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I'm only 15. I've had the same problem. I can smell what I can only describe as smoke, when I breathe in. It happens to me around once or twice every year, for the past three. I don't know what causes it... I don't smoke, my parents used to smoke but that was a long time ago, as they quit when I was about 10 - 12 yrs old.
I'm starting to worry, so I'm going to ask my parents for an appointment at the doctors :/.
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Just an add on to my earlier post- I am not on any high blood Pressure Tablets only pain relief drugs and antidepressants on which I have been taking all of them for some years.
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I have just recently began smelling This foul smell but mines more the smell of cigarette ash of pub ashtrays lol mixed with the smell of oranges!!.  It is so unpleasant.  I get it mainly when I'm lying in bed but no one smokes in the house and we havnt Bren around any smokers.  I am An ex smoker so is my husband and I'd know if he started again cos the smell isn't about him.

I had back surgery 2 weeks ago so have been laid up in bed since resting as I also suffer
From M.E and I am awaiting surgery for a tiny tucked away tumour of the parotid gland but none of these things point to the smell problem.  Right now I'm lay here and I am feeling so nauseous I can't stand it!  Help!!
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how funny i have a strange smell of ashtrays. no one around me smokes. it does coincide with taking ginseng. perhaps some medications or herbal remedies could bring this on
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I have had this issue for months and I can't stand it! To me it smells like a wet ashtray. My doctor is thinking it could be a GI infection. I wonder if anyone else had a GI work up done. There are so many posts of people who have the issue and no I
One who has found a solution. I am the only one who smells it, which I think is good, except I am so grossed out by the smell I can't take it anymore. HELP!!!!!
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I found this forum because I've been having a similar problem lately.  To me it smells like auto exhaust such as collects in a parking garage, or soot from a wood fireplace.  Think what it's like when you are driving and following a really old car that's smoking out the tailpipe.  I smell it mostly while at work in an office building, and it fluctuates from mild to OMG-I'm being poisoned.  Although now that it's been happening for about a week and a half, I seem to be smelling it faintly when I'm at home sitting at my computer.

After reading these posts, my gut tells me that we are not crazy, it's not in our heads or our noses -- most likely it's some type of air pollution.  We don't notice it for awhile, weeks-months-years go by, and then some of us become sensitized.  Then we smell it when others cannot.  I also think it is likely some types of VOC's that are fat-soluble, and we store them in our bodies and then excrete it slowly, causing us to smell the same smell, but less severely, when we're not actively being exposed.

SMOG is everywhere, and increasing globally.  Smog-filtering equipment is expensive and not required by law, to the degree that it will filter out every last micro-particle.  And since not everyone smells it (often because they are bathed in fragrances) we start to think it's just us.

We are offended by the smell/odor because our bodies and minds are telling us that whatever it is, it's unhealthy, and we need to get away from it.  But it's in us and coming out through our breath so we can't ever get away completely.

A lot of us remember having some kind of "virus" before these symptoms began, so did I.  But it wasn't a typical cold or flu, it was mostly cough and fluid in my lungs, and initial low fever.  It took several weeks to finally feel back to normal; now this.  That I think could also be caused by exposure to toxic smog.  This overt reaction that we mistook for a virus was what triggered the hypersensitivity.
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