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same problem with the smoke odor

I'm so glad to hear someone else is experiencing the same problem.  No answers and no solutions.  Yet, I have the same problem.  Smelling cigarette smoke in my nose.  By the way, when you are driving on the road, if someone is smoking and it's blowing out their window, it will come in through your air conditoner.  That's why you smell it when you are on the road.

This discussion is related to constantly smelling cigarette smoke.
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I have been to Doctors for the same problem: phantom smokey smells. I would like to publish my findings and stay in touch with other with similar issues.  I am really tired of this! I am 57 and very healthy, never have been overweight, stay very active and eat well.

After 3 years of off and on phantom smells I finally went to a neurologist, however my MRI showed nothing unusual. He ordered an EEG and concluded I might be having partial onset seizures and thought that might be causing the phantom smokey smells. He gave me a medication, Levetiracetam 500mg, that I discontinued after a week due to awful side effects (rash, major pain and swelling of lymph glands, etc. which all took over a week to go away).  I have not continued any drugs since that experience.  

It is interesting that other have notice a possible link with the use Mucinex D, I am going to discontinue the use too.  I had been wondering if that might be a factor.  Because I just realized it started backup when I starting taking Munich D a week ago.  
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I reread all the comments again, and forgot to mention 1 thing about myself...I do take Benicar for high blood pressure and saw that there are a few of you that are on different BP meds. Mine is sporadic, but when it comes on, is very intense and coincides with sinus pressure/headaches. I can have heaviness behind the eyes without a headache and still get the smell.  The smell is deep in the cavity and is not perceived by anyone else, so it's not a smell that my body is exuding. I go to my primary and get antibiotics and Once I'm done with them, the smell is gone again. I use a Nasaline syringe to clear my passages and that doesn't help with the smell - the only thing FOR ME that works is getting on the antibiotics when the smell first comes. I don't have an answer for those of you who get it regularly - fortunately for me, mine happens maybe 2-3/year. Be well!
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P.S.  I have hypothyroid disease and daily dose of synthroid.  I've heard there MAY be a connection?  Also until a couple of weeks ago I took a daily plethora of fish oil, tumeric, cinnamon, B complex, D, Multi-vitamin, and cider-vinegar tabs.  (enough to make a meal out of!!) Anyway I am going back on them all since I've been sloughing off .. maybe that was the trigger?????   who knows!
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Thanks to everyone who has made comments - I, too, have had this phantom smell the past week or so, intense and just like when I used to smoke (quit 2.5 years ago).  I even thought hubby had started smoking again and kept asking if he could smell it, or if anyone had smoked in my car...so strange.  He could smell nothing. At any rate, there have been serious sinus infections racing though my office, maybe I am next and THIS is the precursor??  Otherwise, I am frustrated there's nothing mentioned on WebMD,etc, and we are not really seeing any answers.  
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Hello all !  i have been searching the net to see what i can find but i too have the same issue.  I have been smelling burning leaves or woodfire the last two weeks and for the life of me i can't figure it out.  i work from home and i've gone around my house to see if the smell is coming from somewhere and NO LUCK!  I've mentioned it to my husband and kids and they don't seem to have the problem.  I am getting worried that it is related to some hidden health issue that our body is telling us to look into.
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Hello everyone! My cigarette smoke/car fumes smell is back and I absolutely am sure that mine is the precursor to a sinus infection. I started smelling it about 2 weeks ago and have been on antibiotics for 5 days and the smell is gone but now I can't breathe through my nose. I get the smell before any signs of infection and it takes about 2-3 weeks before I get actual nasal congestion.  Pay attention next time it happens and see if you get a sinus infection or cold shortly after....Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
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