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bad smell from mouth. what the desease it may be
3 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
Bad breath can come from many things, including lack of oral hygiene, tooth decay, gum infection, and stomach conditions.

You would need to see a dentist and/or a doctor in order to determine the cause.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi saddhu.
Welcome to the Forum!
The investigation to discover a medical label for an imbalance in our bodies,
sometimes does not necessarily serve us very well.
I could tell you that you likely suffer from halitosis, but I prefer to consider this an imbalance and take a naturopathic approach for treating it effectively.
A low carb diet with an emphasis on alkalizing foods is recommended as
a high PH enviroment is not conducive to the growth of fungal and bacterial agents.
"Oil Pulling" with extra virgin coconut oil daily will eradicate any toxins
and offensive bacteria form the oral cavity and prevent  infectious pathogens from getting into your body in great numbers to affect you.
Consuming extra virgin coconut oil daily 3-4T in place of other oils
will give you increased immunity (lauric acid) and antifungal-antiparasitic-antiviral-antiprotozoic and antibacterial benefits.
Gargle daily with a solution of raw sea salt and water.
High quality prebiotic,probiotic and enzymic supplementation will greatly improve your healthy flora (80% of the immune system lies within the gut) and enhance your digestive and G/I functions.
A complete cleansing/detoxification protocol starting with the colon,
will ensure heavy metals, toxins and other accumulated waste products are
safely removed from your body. John Barron's website has a good tutorial on this.
Finally Pranyama Yoga Breathing will help restore your optimum breathing
and thus help repair numerous impaired bodily functions.
And don't forget to drink plenty of spring water 1 hour away from meals.
Wish you well!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Bad breath (halitosis) could be due to local or systemic causes. Local causes like tooth infections, tooth abscess or periodontal disease. Some medications like dilantin and calcium channel blockers like nifedipine can cause bad breath. It is more common in smokers, in people with poor dental hygiene, with vitamin deficiencies and is known to be associated with systemic disorders like liver disease. You will need to consult your dentist who will examine you and determine the cause so that appropriate therapy can be initiated.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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