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should we get treat Colestroal med

My husband has Picks disease/ frontal dementia and went for a phyical and blood work came back with high colestroal/sp .  He is in moderate phase of the disease 7 1/2 years into it.  He didn't want the medicine so I give him flax oil and cherrios .  What other things should I do?  We both don't want him to take alot of medicine which he is already on Namenda and Aricept which costs us a lot.  He is starting to have swelling of the prostate and will check it next year.  This disease starts in their 40's to 60's and usually  10 to 13 years.  He is 66 year old in sept.  Should we put a lot of money  into drugs and than he will be helpless in a few years/ like alzheimer's.  He already can't write and reading is getting hard.  Still looks normal and can do most of the things he does everyday.  He doesn't want to be on machines or kept alive if there is no quaity of life.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
This thread has got so long and it taks ages to scroll down and cant delete I am going to PM you,should have dont it before.
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Happy Valentine Day! Cats are fun to be around but they do like to hunt.  I don't like them on the tables and Their hair is worse than the dogs. But about like the rabbits.  We have one tame rabbit and a Cottontail {wild type} rabbit which I raise wounded and orphane animals .  Two squirrels babys and three cotton tails in the last five years.  A cat got my nineteen month old cottontail male in the yard which I wish the people would keep in the house.  and the Squirrels were killed by cars which went out of the way to kill them.  They were living on there own and come home to get food.  But they had a good life for awhile.  They will be alive in my heart for ever.  One good thing about cats they can be left at home for a few days but dogs have to be cared for more.  Roger only had two out burst and that isn't bad for the last 4 weeks.

got to go
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535822 tn?1443976780
Time keeps moving on doesnt it, and we are still coping,I kept that cat for a while, I got it fixed yesterday, and it is the dearest little kitty, however we are dog people I dont know anything about cats, if I wanted a cat ,this would be the one, Calico, beautiful, affectionate, Husband doesnt like cats anyway,  we are both dog people,   we shall see.... I dont like the way she drags Lizards around I adore my wild life community and its hard to change my nature, she prowls around the birds and it is hard to let that happen , when she is recovered I may have to find a home for her..
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I seen your picture and you are having a great day there.  Not much to say.  The pills are doing a lot better.  A couple of snaps  me more My daughter said to take some too.  She just became a woman and now Roger is worried about all the pms going to be around this house.  Hopefully mine should be getting done in the next couple years.  How is the cat doing?  We will have to see the doctor again in March so have a few more months.  Been trying to clean and go through a lot of my things.  I will have start boxing stuff to make it easier to clean and Roger won't get too worried about stuff every where.  It finally has been nice to be with him again. I have another picture to paint for a lady and I got  to get into the mood.  I use to paint 800 to 1500 paintings a year from a teaspoons to walls.  I just can't get into the mood or someone takes me away all the time.  Betcha can't guess who.  It almost became work instead of fun.  I use to run a 5 states craft shows  Well got to go take care and enjoy the sun we still got snow.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I will try he sems to be really bad this week,
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I was reading back after to// ask your doctor and see what they say.

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make a few posters up with his pictures- take to the animal control, local veternary/sp , grocery stores in the area, Most cats are not lost but love to get out and than go back home.  Unless he is very lean, bad shape he probably has a home.  They will go about five miles.  We had cats on the ranch and the nearest neighbor were 3 miles and the other 5mile the closest so when we visit them we found our tom cats and of course their many new children.  after a few weeks you may want to get him checked , to see if he is got felin cancer.  Over here it is getting alot more common.  Male seem to give it to the females.  But don't buy alot of things for a few months because if someone shows up the money went down the tubes.  My one dog kept running because of load noises and ran until she dropped .  I call the polices had it on the radio and searched for her.  People would get her and buy food and toys the first night for her she hated toys and mostly wouldn't eat some of the dog food.  I thanked them but I couldn't pay for all the thing they bought.  And that was the first night out.  Someone threw firecrackers at her so around every fourth of july  she started to run.  But cats love to leave and return.  So if you have time let the cat out and follow to see where she goes and she will lead you home in a round about way.  But if she stays than you may have a cat. Roger has had a good week. so far on the pill.  He can get upset but not as intent as he did.  Low dose Risperidoneo.5 mg boy I wish I had done it sooner,  one a night.  May be if you could tell him how it has helped my husband  and ask yours and see what they say.
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535822 tn?1443976780
He he he I meant Cat, I reread and it sounded like I had a stray bunnie
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535822 tn?1443976780
Oh he sleeps like a log always has done, no fair I hardly sleep at all LOL   He wont go to the Doc ever and I think I told you Dr Skinner who specialises in Neuro toxicity offered to diagnose him, but he wouldnt go to the Lecture that was on in LA and Doc Skinner had e-mailed me to go to see his lecture. Well aftwer klast weks blow up, he has been his old self but guess what hes not at work till Tuesday so not in the toxic enviroment.I love to hear about your pets, I seem to have inherited a stray unless someone else owns him I say him but its a calico and I am told they are mostly females, very sweet nature but what do I do about fixing and shots, I need to find out if he belongs to anyone else.
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boy, I know what you mean about worn out.  The new pill is doing a nice job for 4 days only mild upset and he kept opening the bedroom door and the cottontail rabbit kept getting in under the bed.  So Speedy had to stay in his cage.  he is wild but was only in the first week of life when we got him no hair and eyes close about three inches long and doesn't like to be penned up for hours or days.  He is usually good but a few wires have made it into his mouth.  the dog and rabbits gets along great and if one could believe a rat terrier and wild rabbit could be friends and love to chase each other, than eat pomagrantes seeds together,  The rabbit has bitten the dog not the other way around.  We are having a heat wave now 40 yesterday, 38 today and 36 tomorrow. but the snow is still high out side.  and by middle of week will be cold again.    Where are you living at?  I can't remember what the pill name is but I will try to get the name for you.  May be it may help him on though nights.  Roger has been sleeping most of the night great.

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535822 tn?1443976780
Oh I hate the thought of you in that cold we are in a heat wave and my allergies are raging, as we have the Santa Anna winds a Blowin, had a bad evening with him last night its always on a thurs eve and Friday after hes been working with the toxic stuff, that why I feel certain thats where the problem lies.,I hope hes okay later I am feeling very worn out again.
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Well colder than the northpole -22.9 below and probably colder during the night.  Bismarck -44 and north of here. With out wind chill !!!! Roger had two good nights of sleeping and only had a mild outburst .  We have to see the long term.  The meeting on Glyconutrients was canceled because they shut main highway between Bismarck and Dickinson.  So try next month.  

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well more snow and got the med for Roger so I hope it helps him relax and won't be as moody.  Everyone is tired of snow.  winter wonderland.  three ft of snow drifts around the house and it is supose to get cold again -17 not counting wind chill and than by this weekend it will be 30- 40 above. than the floods will come than more ice.  Well it is nice to have moisture but wish the ground was not frozen so it could get into it.  After the drought condidition for the last few years.  We may have a chance.  I have another thing to look at.Glyconutrient supplementation.  they also have something for heavy metal detoxic please check out.  http://glycomn.com/index.php and www.livingsugars.com  I might get it for Christy and than Roger if I see any change.  There is a seminar tonight in town and I'll see if it is worth it.  I know they want me on afew different types and it 250 or more well not rich enough and most things don't really work.  Neighbor says it is like what amway sells.  But this is going into the Male clinic and was being tested.  they are growing plants on mineral water and takeing the plants and making it into a powder or drink.  It is about the different sugars your cells need to fuction.  Will know more to night.    rbcf
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535822 tn?1443976780
Thanks I will go there and read it hope you are having a good full moon weekend.
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I found the ftd forum  Australia  and found someI information.   Here is the one storie which is from a doctor that had it....http://pdsg.orguk/caregiver_storiers/picks_from_the inside_out/ His name is Dr. Bob Fay.  I love his storie and thought you would like to read it. He is from England. We got to go.  

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535822 tn?1443976780
I went to England for Christmas and have been back a few days, well sometimes he is fine and others not I am convinced it is the Toxins he is working on, I have kept an eye on his behavior and it is worse when he is working with the Epoxy stuff and Teak wood and the powerful glues used in wooden Boat and furniture making, I am somewhat releived to know this, but I also feel if it continues it could become permanent, so I keep asking him to leave, however in this climate he rightly is concertned he wont get anoyther job so we have that dilemma, so I have been Enduring and keeping my mouth shut, he did have 2 explsosions in England so my kids have seen a little now. I think you are having worse stuff than me , its hard to bear sometimes isnt it, I find the tantrums are the worst especially over nothing.
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Hi sorry I haven't written .  Roger had a  great week from the 20 to the 25 of dec and he was his real self and very loveable than the 26 he found the outside faucet that he turn on and it had froze open (-16 with -35 windchill and said it was frostless) No valve is frostless at that temperture well he wanted to turn the water to the house off when we had 7 people in the house and than he wanted the water shut of in the street to the whole house and I said that all we have to do is turn the main line off but not than and he came at me mad as hell and I had told him not to turn it on when it was that cold to get the water for the bird bath in the house.  He was going at me with 5 kids in here.  The next day he said he could kill me and he hated me.  I got to get some med from the doctor to keep him from getting so mad all the time.  Well I went to the Alz meeting and had good talk and of couse no one know anything about Pick.  But was told about glyconutrient supplementation  check it out http://glycomn.com/index.php and www.livingsugars.com  One man has his mother on it and she is doing good and gave me the paper on it.  sounds interesting and will go and see a semenar on it Tue jan 13 I might try it on my daughter she doesn't eat right and it may help her with her ADD .  How was your christmas and husband?  Has he gotten any worse or staying the same?

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535822 tn?1443976780
That is a great idea to put the pictures together for her to see them, that must be the hardest part and she is so young to be seeing him like this,we are having an okay time but I am still finding I believe it is the toxins he works with, last week he had to do some Epoxy" work on a boat and some other guys were working near him,I went to see him and I had to come out as the smell of the Toxins in the air was horrible,then on thurs and Fri he threw a tantrum over nothing and was g'rouchy for a coupke of days, now its the weekend and he is fine, he still denies it at least openly.
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I live for the days that he is himself and the loveable man he can be. but it is getting further and further apart. He dieing and in some ways I dieing with him.  The hardest part is our daughter calls him mean and those are not the memories I want her to have.  When she was a baby he held her and they stared at one another and you could see the love he felt.. He played with her and loved her .  Worried about her.  Now he is always mad at her.  When she tries to hug him he gets mad.  Just like me. The best memory of him and her together is the day Roger was teasing her about her belly button and she would pull her shirt out and look down at her belly trying to see it, she was 15 months old.  I got a lot of pictures and I will put them together of just them and the loveable dad she had.
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535822 tn?1443976780
You are right I keep meaning to write it down as it all happens, I dont mean to but I had to chuckle at your Post and the absurdity of it all, and wondering why I am around.and how much you have put up with ,we have a strong sense of duty I guess and Love...
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We almost have to be detectives, doctors, sciencetist, etc. I'm not handling things to good here.  I'm the one which is blowing up here.  Roger want to still do things but even the simplest stuff he isn't understanding.  Raking leaves we have a bag holder and when I was mowing the leaves up he put it up.  I got it set back up and after mowing more I went to empty and he had put it away again.  When I told him I still needed it He go mad and than I get mad..... On and on.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Wow you certainly have a lot on your "plate" you are wonderful the way you deal with it all, I hope I will be able to cope if I have to , I am still hoping that it is the Toxins and am researching which are the Main ones to effect the brain, a Dr Skinner offered an evaluation he said it sounded like it was neuro toxicity and at least I have my husband listening to me, but he is still there at work ,he is okay till he uses the some of the compound and then that evening he is so aggressive,thats my proof.
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Done tried and have her on fish oil, kelp.vitamin-mineral and other type of vitamin, She refused to eat certain food/most she  really will fight to the death to eat.  We finally got her to eat yogert and forceing her to drink apple, orange  and apples ,  oranges she will only suck out the jucie and After awhile you want to just throw up your hands and say you don't want to help yourself and get ahead you live with it.  I'll keep trying to get her to eat more as we go along.  Some day her brain may mature and she will understand what she needs to do to help her self/  My prayers are going out everyday.  I got going about 8 th grade where I could remember and understood more.Time will see how she handles life and growing up. She has allergys to mold rag weed and lots of other things so they may be acause of some things.  She took shots of thing she was allergic to for 2 1/2 years but some thing didn't help.  We'll keep trying .  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Why not try the Food supplements before you get her on the Meds,as they do have side effects and you may have a problem with her behavior from them,the Meds I mean, I have read recently that a good Multiple Vitamin-mineral with Vit B Complex and Vit C and also fish oil are beneficial to children with ADHD and even though its not cheap it is cheaper than the prescriptions and less invasive than the prescriptive Meds.You are right about the costs and I fear it will get worse.
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