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should we get treat Colestroal med

My husband has Picks disease/ frontal dementia and went for a phyical and blood work came back with high colestroal/sp .  He is in moderate phase of the disease 7 1/2 years into it.  He didn't want the medicine so I give him flax oil and cherrios .  What other things should I do?  We both don't want him to take alot of medicine which he is already on Namenda and Aricept which costs us a lot.  He is starting to have swelling of the prostate and will check it next year.  This disease starts in their 40's to 60's and usually  10 to 13 years.  He is 66 year old in sept.  Should we put a lot of money  into drugs and than he will be helpless in a few years/ like alzheimer's.  He already can't write and reading is getting hard.  Still looks normal and can do most of the things he does everyday.  He doesn't want to be on machines or kept alive if there is no quaity of life.  
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Yes They don't have any feeling for nothing except the animals and will say they didn't do any thing.  My daughter is doing that also.  I didn't do it.  Roger doesn't go around the computor and she and me do. The chair was cut and than it got cut again.  Than I came in on her pulling the fabric where it was cut and she said she wasn't doing it.  A new bag of jerky was almost eaten and she said she didn't do it and Roger doesn't like it.  He was outside with me cleaning up leaves and She didn't do it.  Man somedays you want to see what she has in that brain. The teachers now want her on adhd med and now that is $150 plus a month.  pretty soon we will just be a eating pills to live and forget the food. That will make 500 dollars of pill out of pocket amonth and 1000 dollars a month of insurance.  over half of our income in medical bill.  I would like the doctors and Teachers to have that bill. Over half of their income and to live in poverty income.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Sounds like a big battle , I feel I am getting some of this also, I kind of back off, I am still hoping he will leave that job , but he seems adament he wants to stay there, what can one do, its simply a waiting game and having to accept a lot isnt it, I havent felt well this weekend , have you noticed that there is no empathy at all?
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Well I'm going bananas' He had battery acid in a bottle with no lid on it in a box on shelf and I reached up for some tools and bump it and it fell over and got the shelf, floor and on me.  Which I got mad and he said nothing was hurt and I was making a big deal out of nothing,  i ran in and got some baking soda and spread it over it and was still mad.  I told him he can't have battery acid with out a lid.  I said what if our daughter had bumped it and got it on her or me in the eyes.  He didn't think I had the right to get mad. Well I washed the clothes and found the shirt I wore and it was holes down the front of the shirt and down the top of the shoulder "Close to my chin,  Boy I took that shirt and threw it at him and told him that was too close to my face.  He didn't care and just got mad at me.  By the way he was in his normal state of mind that day and he still didn't care. But was mad I even brought it up.  He doesn't get it that if anything happens to me no one will take care of him.  I got a woman comming in next week to see about some caregiver counceling and maybe for our daughter.  They also will do caregiving  so I can have off but I still can go out for a few hour and I got a tracfone incase he or our daughter needs to get me.  Than I was cleaning our garage and he kept comming in and almost drove me out of my mind.  He kept grabing thing and moving them after I put them somewhere and I told him to leave it alone and over and over.finally I got mad and told him to leave and let me work.  It was like he was two years old.  He went in the house and sulked for 3 hrs.  I dread the time I have to put everything under locks.  His temper plus mine is getting really bad. Last night He got upset and kept telling me the motor cycle was in the wrong place and he needed to get around it. It was up to the lawntractor and he couldn't walk around it.  I told him that he could move it back to the more roomer spot if he had to work on it .  He screamed at me that it wouldn't work that way , the motor cycle was never in that spot. I told him it was in that same spot every year for 10yr. and the worse thing about all this is his lack of trust in me and he was never that way in all the other years.  It goes that way most every day now and I wish I had him back to normal loveing and careing person he was.  I can't even hold him because he pulls away from me.  At least he still loves the animals { I think I'm jeasous and I love them also} I hope you or anybody else never goes through this...... Well got to go.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I dont hold out much hope but I will try, he is better at presant but I notice it follows a pattern,Thanks for the advice, it will be easeier once I know what I am dealing with or if it was the Toxins he uses at work he would leave that job, however he doesnt want to leave that job I think he will be there for ever. I may have to simply play a waiting game , we are going to visit our daughter at Xmas so we will be around them for over 2 weeks., that may be a test to see if anyone else notices anything, hes often on good behavior in front of others though.
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If the temper is down that is a plus but if it is like my man it will come back.  My be he has another problem and needs to talk to some one. I myself will after alot of problems run very short of temper and he may know something and don't want to face it. Roger fought like crazy saying nothing was wrong but after everyone  confronted him and than he finally said he knew but was afraid what it may be. Does he have a friend that he hangs around with.  I tried to ask one of the guys at work and all h---- broke lose. They had a meeting and almost lost his job.  May be another couple that you hang out with. The husband may have talked to her.  But don't bring it up like it is really big problem . Just say my husband has been out of sorts and you wonder if she notice anything. Does he have to go to a doctor routine phyical you may send a note to the doctor and see if he can check things out.  Explain what he does and see if he can get some test.

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535822 tn?1443976780
Good to hear from you, no he hasnt gone to the Doc,,he said he would and that was it, I have been lulled again for a couple of weeks that he was okay,it is possible my having said he should visit the Doctor and he saw  I was concerned ,caused him to make an effort to be nicer, but this weekend a few set backs again, nothing like you are going through ,,yet. I think one has to have a lot of tolerance and patience more than looking after a child.I think you are still a few years ahead of my situation, I am still thinking it is Toxins (possibly I am grasping at straws aswell ) time will tell.His temper has been better.
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