880656 tn?1240444916

3yr old son with asthma

My son has severe asthma. He has had problems since about 6 months old. Last summer we took him to Denver to Jewish health to the respiratory hospital to try to get help with him. He has been on 35+ antibotics for infections- pneumonia,bronchitis,ear infection, sinus infections etc. He was on an antibotic 2 weeks ago for an ear infect and 4 days ago he was coughing so bad his dr ordered sinus x ray and he has a bad maxillary infection on both sides. He has been taking Biaxin for 4 days now and is running 102.2 fever tonight.
He has bad reflux- we had a ph probe study done. his sinuses are formed weird. He had a methocoline challenge and failed at the first dose labeling him evere. He takes the highest dose of Symbicort (same that I do)
I just needed to complain. I will call his dr in the morning I am just afraid this sinus infection has gone to his lungs. his respiration rates are elevated and he has a horrible wet cough.
Thanks for listening!!!!
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I am sorry that your son is so ill. I never could stand it when my children were sick. I now have a granddaughter who was just diagnosed w/reactive airways disease. It seems like she is ALWAYS SICK. I can't stand it. It makes me sad. I hope your son feels better soon.
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880656 tn?1240444916
Thanks! We took him to the drs today. his fever went up to 103.3 last night. the dr diagnosed him with an ear infection, a sinus infection, and pneumonia. Poor little guy!!!!!!!!!
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