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Advair and Proair dont help...

Hi all. Almost 3 months ago, I was on my way home from work when I started feeling lightheaded, drowsy accompanied with shortness of breath. My breathing was really shallow and I subconciously was taking deep breaths every so often. I felt like I was going to faint at the wheel. This lasted for about 30 to 45 minutes. I got in to see my doctor and he said it was probably asthma and gave me an Advair inhaler to use if this ever happens again. A month later I had a similar episode and I used the inhaler and it didnt seem to help. At least not soon enough. My symptoms eventually subsided. I went back to the doc and he ordered a chest xray, blood tests and heart tests which all came back ok. Anyway, these symptoms have been occuring more and more regularly lately, on a day to day basis, which can be very unsettling. I havent had 1 day in the last month that I didnt feel short of breath and or my irregular breathing. I even went to a lung doctor and they did breathing tests. He told me my results were consistent with asthma and prescribed me Advair while also using Proair for relief. Its been one week and the Advair hasnt made my symptoms any better. Im starting to wonder if I have something other than asthma. Any thoughts/advice/feedback?
Thank you in advance.
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746512 tn?1388807580
It took me 2 weeks to get any relief from the advair and a couple of months to get the maximum benefit.  

Make sure you are taking it regularly and as close to 12 hours apart as possible.  I notice the inhalers don't work as well if I take it even just a couple of hours late.

If the lung tests showed asthma then you probably have it.  You might need to take different brands to get better affects.  Symbicort is similar to advair and works a lot better for me than advair.  You may also need a higher dose if it isn't helping.
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i have used proair and the little red abuteral inhaler and now im on flovent none of these has worked for me. abuteral makes me really shaky and nervous and flovent is useless and really expensive. do you know of any other good inhalers or medications to try and also is there any meds to stop the irratation and itchy feeling in throat and chest due to asthma. i also have this pounding heart feeling could this be from asthma
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