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Advair vs Severevent

I am an asthmatic. Recently, I had a bad virus and got bronchitis, its haning around pretty good (since October 2008).  I take Serevent (it works for me) but due to the virus I have developed several nodules throughout my lungs and having difficulty breathing.  My doctor gave me Advair. I am concerned.  I take Azor for high blood pressure, I also have been exposed to TB (1987 took INH and B6 six months) I also have lactose intolerance, I take enzyme for.  Should I take this medicine?  My blood pressure is controlled with the medication.  If I take the digestive enzyme could that eleviate the problem of lactose intolerant?  I don't know what to do.  Thanks
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi --- you should ask your Doctor for interactions.  Not sure on the interactions but many take BP meds + the asthma meds but only your Dr can answer this for .. it's hard online.  I wouldn't think the dig. enzyme would be a problem .. it's lactaid or something like that .. but again, you need to ask a med expert to be certain.

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If you are taking advair, you need not take serevent. But, what I am concerned is, are you still sufferring from TB? In that case you should not take advair but only serevent. If you are taking advair, you also need to inform your physician who is prescribing antihypertensives to you.
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