889551 tn?1416184483

Asthma in Infants

Lexi will be 9 months on the 9th and we just found out that she has asthma. I had it as a child and so did my brother. DH's brother and his daughter also had/have it. It was something that we had kept an eye out for because her pediatrician said that she was at increased risk to develop it.

We had to special order a chamber/mask for her inhaler (flovent) because the pharmacies don't stock them. I tried to give her her first dose of it, and she kept pulling it off and trying to lick or eat it. I have to give her two puffs twice a day, and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage this if she keeps pulling it off. She did inhale some of it, but I want to be sure she's getting enough.

Does anyone else have babies with asthma, and if so, what do you do to make this go a little more smoothly? She isn't on a nebulizer, just an inhaler. Should I try to do it during her naps or what?
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hi, so what have u done to your home to make changes
have any pets
do u leave windows open
do u leave car windows open
is house vac'd and dusted daily
have u tested all foods for allergy
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Get a nebulizer.  Ask your pediatrician for a script.  Inhalers are very difficult to use on infants and nebulizers are the only effective way to get your little one medicated.  I am nurse with a son with pediatric asthma.  We've been through it all.  I wish you well.  If your MD refuses to allow you a nebulizer, find an allergist or another pediatrician.  
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889551 tn?1416184483
She goes back in on the 13th, so if she still isn't taking to her inhaler by then ill see about the nebulizer. I had to hold her down to get her to breathe it this morning. She didn't get mad until the second puff. Im afraid it would be the same with a nebulizer, she just wants to eat the mask.
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