990597 tn?1296392926

Asthma last night i cant breathe help

I had an asthma attack last night. Until last year i am a severe asthma girl having regular attack need to use 6 to 12 inhaler puffs. After taking steriod inhaler dont have that big attack. But last night had one i cant breathe use my inhaler several times. It was like a fish out of water. I am suffocating and wheezing. My friends are try to calm me. I cant breathe.they call ambulance. I am hospitalised. I am ok now. I think steroids are also not helping me. I am feared. Please sugest a way
5 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
The only thing I can think of is to have yourself tested for allergies and be treated for them. The climate you live in is not good for asthmatics. If you can afford it, you might find some relief if you can vacation in a dry mountain climate.
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I agree with allmymarbles. But allergy testing isn't accurate, food elimnation is. I know dairy can be a huge factor in triggering asthma. I used to have asthma. But am dairy free, and don't anymore. Dairy can cause inflamation- really anywhere, the head-causing headaches/migraines, in the joints-causing arthritis, in the lungs-causing asthma...etc. As with any allergy. So pinpointing the allergy can be a huge solution.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I don't know if kinesiologists are working in India. But it was kinesiology that eliminated all my food allergies - and it did so very quickly.  Traditional allergists are much less successful, the treatment is prolonged, and it is very expensive in the long run.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi and Welcome!

When you take your steroid inhaler that is on a daily basis, right?  That's how the doctor prescribed it I am assuming ... because a steroid inhaler is different than a rescue inhaler and doesn't work right away.

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180749 tn?1443595232
This will help you breathe easier and over the long term ease the athma problem.
Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose. Place your fists, with the thumb pointing up, on the the legs, above the the knee, and do bhastrika for two minutes.Repeat this  a) with the fists upside down, so that the thumb is pointing down, and resting on the legs, b) with the thumb pointing inwards  c) with the thumb pointing outwards. This will help very much as the lungs open up in different ways.
Repeat this 3 to 8 times during the day.
December 26, 2011
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