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Asthma or Allergy?


I was wondering if someone can help clarify these issues I have been having.  I have had this for awhile now and been to the doctor several times but turning up with nothing.  I will be talking and suddenly feel like I get dust caught in my throat and have a coughing attack or just sitting at my desk and take a breathe in and same thing happens.  Water doesn't help and I have to wait for the 'dust' to pass.  I have had a breathe test but it didn't come up with definite asthma.  They gave me flovent just in case but I'm not sure it worked for me.  I don't have shortness of breathe and I am supposedly allergic to ragweed and sensitive to grass and pollen but have never had any noticeable symptoms.  I do not smoke, I do not have any lung problems, and I do not work with strange chemicals.  I had pertussis when I was very young ( I am 21 now) but I don't think that has anything to do with this.  I can take breaths fine but the coughing interrupts my full breaths.  The attacks are very scary and I would like an answer so that I can make them stop.

Any information is much appreciated!!
5 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi, two of my daughters have asthma.  One had something called laryngospasms with her asthma.  I'm a mom, not a medical professional, but this came to mind reading your post that maybe an ENT can rule out for you?  Sometimes the liquid from even your own saliva can get misdirected and in an effort to protect the airways spasms are created involuntarily and it feels/seems like a sudden really bad asthma attack.  It can linger, if liquid is aspirated, etc.

Just something to ask your doctor to see if it could be related to this?

Good luck and keep us posted!

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Is your cough acompanied by expectoration? If its a dry cough, try syrup Pholcodiene 1 teaspoonful thrice daily for a week.
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752406 tn?1233510450
Definitely see a doctor, preferably an allergist.  I have severe asthma that is episodic.  During bad times, I experience what you describe.  I wouldn't just treat the cough.  Instead, find out the cause.  I, too, have had funky results of breath tests (atypical) but I do have asthma and medications to prevent and treat the symptoms do help. My doctor never prescribes an expectorant for the cough.
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Thank you for all of your help!  I had actually been feeling spasms in my throat that I thought were palpitations but it ended up not being my heart.  We tested my thyroid and it was all ok.  Laryngospasms make soo much sense now that I think of it!  I have an appointment with an EENT in july so I will mention it!

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The EENT came back clear!  I was referred to a respirologist which has determined that I have GERD.  He put me on pantoloc and all is well.  It's a really big cause of chronic cough that is usually unexplained because it can be the only symptom sometimes.

Thanks Again,

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