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Nearly constant chest pain (right pectoral and sternum), dyspnea (real or perceived), NEED HELP PLEASE!

As the title suggests, I've been experiencing stabbing/burning chest pains that are localized over the right pectoral towards the sternum and the feeling of dyspnea since April of 2009. The exact epicenter of discomfort seems to move within this area. Prior to April, around January, I had been experiencing chest pain but on the left pectoral only and went to the emergency room for it (EKG/Blood found nothing) anxiety was the diagnosis and no real remedy was prescribed. I went to my GP and they simply suggested Prozac, for the anxiety and stress. I refused to take it based on observations of family I had made when they were put on this drug, and attempted to put off thinking about the chest pain and trying to ignore it. This worked and by March the pains were 95% gone. I had started playing tennis again during this time, and felt that it really made a difference.

Then on a particularly bad air quality day (April), I was playing tennis and felt quite winded, so I took 2 puffs of my Albuterol inhaler (which I self admittedly over use) to no relief, so I administered another 2 puffs 15 minutes later, and still no relief was to be found. I returned home and felt some chest pains, nothing too discomforting. This was on a Thursday. The following day (Friday) I did some yard work and so forth and felt much winded again and had an accompanying chest pain. I stopped the yard work and watched TV for the rest of the evening (though it really still hurt at the same intesnity). The next day I felt particularly bad, and had a very discomforting pain in the sternum area, and it felt as if my chest was weighted down. I finished out the weekend feeling quite miserable. Come Monday I went to my GP, they gave me a breathing treatment and we discussed being put on controlled medications. I felt relieved after the breathing treatment, and was quite happy to be on proper asthma allergy medications again. The pain returned that evening though. I went back to my GP and they suggested trying PPIs for GERD. So I began taking Kapidex 60mg, which seemed to help a bit, but the pain continued for 2 months. I returned again, and then an endoscopy was suggested. I followed through and took one, which resulted in no significant findings besides a very small hiatal hernia. Then an ultrasound was recommended, which also returned nothing, so I stopped taking Kapidex.

I am very tired of these conditions, I have no idea what's causing them. I have some ideas, chronic hyperventilation, costochondritis, thyroid problems, or I fear something worse in that area. I have noticed that I tend to respirate quite fast, and have been bracing my chest quite constantly. I am getting very weary, and need some direction. Could this be a reaction from huge amounts of stress in the beginning of the year and anxiety, or is it something else. I also have noticed that when I first get up I don't really feel it, and it starts about 30 minutes after getting up and lasts throughout the day. Sometimes it does go away for a few hours if I'm really relaxed and not paying attention to it. I'm currently on Albuterol as needed, Advair and Rhinacourt Aqua. I would really appreciate some good advices, thank you so much!

Here is a list of factors:
1. Weight: 220lbs @ 6'1"
2. Asthma since 5 years old
3. Exposure to cigarette smoke at a young age for a few months
4. High stress anxiety, most stress occurred in the early part of the year
5. Alcohol consumption, 2 glasses of wine daily.
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Just read your post and I have the EXACT same symptoms that you have listed here- exact to the point. I have noticed that it has happened over the last 2 months and seems to be getting more frequent and stronger especially in the morning. GP told me the same thing- anxitey/GERD- give it 2 more months and it should go away with meds. I take ativan and nexium but they don't seem to help. I was examined for Thyroid problems but nothing was found. I really notice it when I reach across my body, or a slight tightness across my whole chest that comes out of nowhere and then localizes the right pec and under my sterum. I run 2x a week and have no problems during the run, and I don't lift. Is this lung realted or chest muscle realted or something else? This blows. Please let me know if you have any suggestions from your Dr. as my Dr. is stumped. Lame.
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It sound like what I have Pectoral agina.  Do you also retain water?
You need to see your physician.  It's possible  you have a blood flow problem.

I am going to my doctor next week. Hopefully, I will have a better answer for you.
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168348 tn?1379357075
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746512 tn?1388807580
Stress will defintely worsen any medical condition so try to lower that as much as possible.  

Sometimes just taking a couple minutes to sit in silence without thinking about anything (hard to do though!) will help.  Otherwise try to find a stress clinic, try yoga or something in that manner.  

Anixety makes me feel like I can't breathe even when my peak flows are totally normal.
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