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I've had type 1 diabetes for over 30 years. I also have HPB, Cholesterol. I have had breathing tests that shows my lung capacity is 65%. I just started to take Symbicort. Could the Symbicort be raising my blood pressure, or is it all in my head? When I take my BP a couple of hours after taking Symbicort its high.
My Meds are:
Crestor 40mg
Amlodine 5mg
Synthroid .250mcg
Lisinopril 40mg twice a day
Zolpidem 10mg
Metoprolol 50mg one & 1/2 pills twice a day
Symbicort 80/4.5  two puffs twice a day
4 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
This is a complicated question. Rather than provide hearsay, I urge you to go to the official  United States Government FDA website, which has a comprehensive list of side effects. There are known instances of increased heart rate, so your information is incorrect., Some people are more likely to experience changes from this medication. There is evidence that in some cases ther heartrsate may be increased so you have to compare and contrast the heartrate before and after the medication. Increased heartrate means increased blood pressure.  Like everything else, medications involve a risk-benefit evaluation..
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I have just come off symbicort after experience fatigue and aching joints (been on it for 10yrs ish) caused by bp meds interacting.My gp has referred me to a rhemtologist! Thinking that I had fibromalgia! Since changing to pulimcort my bp back to normal and no symptoms of fatigue etc! Check out drugs.com they have a interactive link that checks your meds
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746512 tn?1388807580
Symbicort does have a long acting bronchodilator which CAN increase blood pressure and pulse rate.  I would keep track of the differences in a journal and let your doctor know in your next appointment.  You may need to change meds or change doses to manage the increase.  Just a matter of playing with meds to lower their interactions.  
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I use Symbicort for my asthma, too.  I don't have high blood pressure, so I've never had a reason to monitor my blood pressure, but I looked up the side-effects of Symbicort and it says changes in blood pressure can occur.  There was also a warning to use caution in patients who have severe high blood pressure.  As far as I can tell, there are no known interactions between Symbicort and blood pressure medicines.  If you're concerned about how high your blood pressure gets after taking Symbicort, I'd talk to your doctor.
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