920958 tn?1477577593

Chronic Bronchitis/Asthma Exacerbation/Chest Pain

I have had Chronic Bronchitis/Asthma Exacerbation since the end of May. (Recurring for 8 yrs on & off) I've been taking antibiotics, prednisone, symbicort, breathing treatments every 6 hours & cough syrup with codeine. I have been in the hospital twice. The symptoms have not gotten better. I went to my Pulmonary doctor yesterday and was given more prednisone and symbicort. I have chest pain when coughing, bending and last night I was awakened by chest pain (I was sleeping on my back). I have a Loop recorder in my chest so I sent communication through to my cardiologist thinking it could be heart related. I was just hospitalized for syncope & have been having problems with dizziness, fatigue and migraines since 6/26. Can you please shed some light on what could be going on.e the end of May.
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Eek that's not fun.  Have they done a chest X-ray?  I would think there might be something else going on ... Prednisone should knock an asthma attack down.  You may need a sputum culture to ensure there is no resistance going on if there is an infection.  

Think if anything has changed in your diet or environment, you will be extra sensitive to any allergies now when your body is fighting something.

All the luck and hope you feel better soon!
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920958 tn?1477577593
Thanks so much for your response. Yes they have done a chest x-ray & sputum culture. A doctor did mention seeing an Allergist. I will go ahead and schedule the appointment. Anxiously awaiting relief!
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