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Could I have asthma?

I've been sick for 4 weeks now. It started out as a cold (week one), then went to more coughing and stuff (week two), and I went to the doctor who said bronchitis. Wasn't feeling much better, still had coughing and tight chest, went back to the doctor twice, and the first time they said maybe something bacterial so I got antibiotics, and the second time said oh, maybe asthma because the cough and tight chest have been going on for so long, but then said no because there was no wheezing so it must be an adenovirus (week 3).

So the latest doctors visit was Monday, and I have to say, I'm not feeling any better...Still coughing on and off (had a fit of coughing the other day that lasted 20 minutes, and that was with taking Tessalon Perles, drinking tea with honey and sitting in a steamy bathroom), chest still feels tight, and I'm still absolutely exhausted!

Could I possibly have asthma? As I said, my doctor said no because she didn't hear any wheezing, but I know that what I have are symptoms. She just said that it's the virus clearing up and that's what's causing it all.

Also, I've been doing some reading, and it sounds like it definitely could be asthma. Not your average run of the mill type, but what's called coughing asthma.The most common symptoms are a cough, chest tightness and tiredness. That's exactly what's going on with me.

4 Responses
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656452 tn?1332783935
Perhaps, have they tried albuterol.  Sometimes when all else fails, and that brings relief you and the doctor have found a helping answer.  It may not be true asthma but an asthma brought on by being ill with a viral/bacterial infection.  Like a reactive asthma caused by the illness, yet I'm not a doctor, just a mom with two asthmatics who used to get very severe asthma with every illness.  One is mild asthmatic the other is moderate and both are chronic but well maintained at this point in their lives as teens now.
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654491 tn?1226209319
Yes, it probably was an asthma attack these are the normal symptoms. One way to truely tell would have been for the Doctor to due an x-ray. Sometimes asthma is more difficult to hear in some people and at night it can be worse. You may need an inhaler (Albuterol)
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thankyou for asking that question as i have been having the same problems. they started before christmas but i thought it was just a cold so didnt get it checked out until feburary, the doctors said it was a chest infection so put me on amoxicillin, but it didnt clear up. i went back to the doctors a few weeks ago and they put me on a second course of antibiotics but again the symptoms didnt clear up. when i went back the third time they said i may have some form of asthma and so they put me on two different inhalers and i am yet to see if they work, they seem to help. the doctors also sent me to have a chest xray last week, but they didnt explain why. the answers to your question really helped to clear up my own questions. thankyou, hollie x
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746512 tn?1388807580
Xrays will not diagnose asthma because there is no change to the lungs that can seen on an Xray.  It however, will show if there is any chance of tuberculosis or pneumonia causing the cough.  

I have never wheezed with my asthma and thus is a horrible predictor.  You need to ask for full pulmonary function tests, including lung volume, (sometimes you also need a methacholine challenge test to fully diagnose with asthma).  
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