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Albuterol Dependence?

I was diagnosed with an exercise induced asthma and prescribed a 90 mcg albuterol inhaler. I didn't use it much as I was fine most of the time. But just recently I have been having to use my inhaler every few hours or so because if I don't I get really short breathed. I don't know what's going on and it's worrying me.
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I believe you do get dependent on it. I kicked advair and it was very hard took about 5 days of labored breathing and not much sleep and then I was completely normal.  I was off all asthma drugs for 3 years till a my brother rescued a cat I had asthma attack and started using a resuce inhaler Again and I have been on albutrol since.  The steroids inhalers just have a longer acting type of albutrol last between 12-24 hours till I would have to have it if or face labored breathing with the standard albutrol it's about 4 hours.  And this is with no allergens in my life.  I going try quit everything soon just is rough for the first 3-5 days.  I don't trust the makers of the drug is big business with advair at $300 a pop and the new law that made regular albutrol inhalers $65 a piece now because they are better for the environment now is a money grab to make new patent on it and raise the price %400. I am sure a inhaler the size of a lighter is polluting the air.  
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144586 tn?1284666164
The reason that drinking water alone doesn't do the job is that you want to thoroughly flush the powdered steroid from the interior passageways. Squishing water around in the mouth, gargling and then expelling the water does the trick. Do this several times. A single drink does not do the job.

Often the cells will become "twitchy", usually after the flu, or a lung infection.

As bad as oral steroids are a short two or three day regimin will often "do the trick".

Ask your physician about trying Asmanex, which is a powdered dose of mometasone furoate, twice a day. This medication takes several days of use before showing an effect.

As many posters mentioned on these posts a mold or bacterial infection can cause a temporary flareup.  Now bacterial infections usually show as a fever, but these low-grade infections to not aways do that.

Physicians nowadays (rightfully so) are very reluctant to prescribe antibioics in the absence of fever or a productive yellow cough. That being said a bacterial infection must always be in the back of your mind.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Thanks for that info, I will do that next time I use the steroid inhalers.

This is one reason I do not use them because of getting Thrush in the mouth and it making my voice bad.

Best wishes
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144586 tn?1284666164
"Taking a drink" is not asppropriate advice. If you use a steroidal inhaler, you must gargle several times immediately after use. Then take a drink..

Best Wishes

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4851940 tn?1515694593
As you are now having to use your Albuterol every few hours, you do need to make an appointment to see the doctor and have a lung function test done to determine if the asthma has not got worse.

Sometimes there are triggers that make the asthma worse, like when it is cold or too hot, smoky atmospheres and doing more strenuous exercise, stress, getting a viral or bacterial infection, allergies to house dust mite, feathers and other things.    Sometimes the asthma may present itself with a persistent cough that is triggered by anything that you have an allergy to.

The doctor may decide that you now need a prescription for the steroid type of inhaler to use once or twice a day and the Albuterol as and when you need it.

There are different types of steroid inhalers, but their job is about the same.  So if the doctor prescribes you with one that is not helping, do get back to him to try you on a different one.

Sometimes people do get thrush problems in the mouth from using the steroid inhalers and the thing with that is after you inhale your medication, is to have a drink.
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144586 tn?1284666164
The cells do become used to the albuterol medication and don't respond as readily. Try taking a simple magnesium glycinate supplement, 500 mg a day (the magnesium helps to dilate the airway passageways) and discuss with your physician about prescribing Foradil, an unhaled beta agonist, that is taking twice a day (it lasts for twelve hours). Some people have problems with Foradil, but for others it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
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