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Does Asthma cause shaky hands?

My 10 year old has had asthma since birth. It got better over the years, however lately I've noticed that whenever he does any kind of physical activity even for a short amount of time, his hands get very very shaky. Its disturbing to see.  I've never seen anything like it with him before. The only thing I could relate that to, is an elderly person with heart or lung disease. I do have an appt. scheduled for him for tomorrow morning, but I'm just wondering if this is normal for people with asthma???
5 Responses
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I've got asthma and I sometimes get shaky hands to...
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I also have asthma since cilhood , I also feel shaky hands , my doctor said these r effects of steoroids I am taking in puffers
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144586 tn?1284666164
As ZigoMan suggested, the liklihood is that the shaking is related to a side effect of a prescribed medication. Discuss this with your physician.
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Hi there, I also have asthma as my hands do not shake like that. Is your son on any kind of puffer such as Ventalin or Advair? Puffers such as those can cause muscle shaking like that if the person has a reaction to it. However, asthma itself would not cause shaking like that unless the body is struggling to get oxygen. Hope this helps.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi and welcome to our community.  I'm not sure .. what did the doctor say at today's appt. Thinking of you ...

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