1425157 tn?1311651679

cough that lasts for months after a cold-doctor said it is--

the last 4 colds i have had  have been followed by bronchitis and then a dry hacky cough that is quite bad and lasts for months-1 month ago i had a bad cold now i am hacking all the time and feel tight in chest and back-- clinic doc said it is reactive airway issue due to the cold?? i dont wheeze etc  just cough alot and very hard and have tight chest
she gave me a sample advair 500 discus--i have used it 5 times and dont feel much better maybe a bit less cough-- i have a heck of a time inhaleing it as i gag and end up vomiting is that common??
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Advair will take a while to help - took 3 weeks to notice much for me.  You HAVE to take it regularly to see results.  

Remember it is also opening up your lungs so all the muscous that collects there can now move and be coughed up.  So give the advair a month of using it regularly before you say yes or no to it.  

I would go back to your doctor if you are having trouble inhaling it, if you can't hold your breathe then the medicine isn't having a chance to work.  Try inhaling really fast though, think of the speed you breathe in when you are startled by something, this will cause some of the medication to be brought in quickly and less likely to land on the back of your throat causing the gagging reflex
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1425157 tn?1311651679
thank you~~~
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