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Is this asthma?

This past month i have been having a very hard time breathing. Just walking a few feet and im panting or breathing hard. I am also 11 weeks pregnant. I dont know if this can play into it or not. For the past year though when i sneeze, blow my nose or "hawk a lougie" [cough up phlegm] i have black specs or spots. Im starting to get scared and my Drs' appt isnt for a few weeks as im a New patient. Does this sound familiar to anyone or does anyone have any advice? Thanks!
2 Responses
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1600646 tn?1297895872
I have mild athsma and I can get phlegmy a lot, although I have never experienced the spotting, maybe try and get too a emergency clinic or something, you have to consider anything weird happening to be a emergency during pregnancy, although Im sure its nothing serious, but I would not wait weeks. Let me know how you get on ! x
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757137 tn?1347196453
I agree with the above member. You could have a respiratory infection. I would drop in on my doctor, without an appointment, and tell him I am having serious respiratory problems that can't wait.
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