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Pain, Pain, Pain!

I was diagnosed with Asthma recently. I was given an inhaler. Ventolin & the steroid Advair. I don't feel like neither of them help. Nor do I think I have asthma. Sometimes I get short of breath from walking. My heart races & I'm out of breath after just a flight of stairs. I have this random cough for no reason. Ever since I was a kid.
For the past two weeks I've been having a sharp pain in my chest if I try to take a deep breath. It stops me from taking that breath because the pain is so unbearable. For the past week there has been this flaming pain on the right side of my back between my spine & shoulder blade. It hurts to make sudden moves or breath in deeply.
I'm only 21 years of age. & I'm scared.
2 Responses
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Hello there,

Just finished reading your comments. You need to call your doctor's receptionist. Ask for a follow up appointment. Tell your doctor what symptoms you are experiencing. If the pain is unbearable and you're having a sharp pain in your chest when you take a deep breath and you have pain on the right side of your back between your spine and your shoulder blade, you have to share this with your doctor asap.  I wish you well.  Eve
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746512 tn?1388807580
A methacholine challenge test would tell you IF you have asthma or another lung problem.  It tests how sensitive and twitchy your lungs are which is indicative of asthma.

A few of those symptoms - like the sharp pain are not typical asthma symptoms so there may be something else going on ....

Same - advair and ventolin should be helping greatly as they are typical asthma drugs and even your second level approach because of the dual ingredients in advair.

Good luck and let us know what you get along.
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