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Sudden onset of asthma, but no one can tell me why

4 weeks ago, my husband and I moved from TX to CA.  The last week of our move, we stayed in two different hotels for 8 days straight.  On the last day of our drive back to CA I started to feel like I was coming down with bronchitis, i.e. wheezing, coughing.  However I had no other symptoms.  No sinus issues, etc.  A week after we got home I went to the doctor.  A waste of time, she told me to take Robittussin and use my inhaler (I carry one for emergenies, but I haven't had asthma in years.  Only used to get it when sick, never when well).  A few days went by and I wasn't getting better so I went to the urgent care.  He said he thought it was an allergic reaction  to something I breathed in and gave me a 5 day stint of prednisone.  By day 3 again no better so I went back to the original clinic and saw a different doctor.  He gave me a chest xray and ran some labs.  Labs for the most part came back normal.  The only odd thing was barely elevated white cell count, but he said the prednisone could have caused that.  Regardless, he put me on Augmentin (10 days worth which I am still on) and 6 days worth of Z-Pak and Mucinex.  These haven't helped at all.

He then sent me to a pulmonary specialist.  Pulmonary specialist sends me for a rush CAT scan of my chest to rule out a clot.  CAT Scan was clear, not even a sign on pneumonia.  Same with chest xray.  So they are still leaning towards an allergy of some kind.  Pulmonary specialist give me Advair and tells me to use it with my inhaler.  Neither of those are helping and I hate how I feel on the Advair, so I stopped it.  The other - Maxair does absolutely nothing to relieve the asthma either.

We just moved from a house that had possible mold in it.  I could never prove the mold, but there was a year long water leak in the walls that they refused to fix, until I threatend to sue them.  When they got in there, they had to tear out of bathroom floor upstairs, downstairs hallway walls and laundry room ceiling to get to and fix the leak.  They said water was dripping down the inside of the walls.  They claimed there was no mold, but I took pictures and sent it to a friend of ours who is a mold specialist.  He said from what he saw, it looked like there could be mold.  

The pulmonary specialist I saw plans on doing more testing, but he is on vacation right now for two weeks.  I can't wait two weeks with wheezing and coughing like this.  I have coughed so much I'm worried about doing damage to my ribs.  My ribs and rib muscles hurt horribly and it is hard to sleep.  Sometimes I cough so hard, I cough up a wad of white mucous, but for the most part, is a dry cough.  I am a 44 year old female who has never smoked, doesn't drink, no caffeine, no drugs.  I changed my diet a couple of months back and eliminated dairy, wheat and sugar (typical allergens).  I also have lyme disease.  During this time, I have also been feeling extreme anxiety, panic attacks, racing heart, feeling helpless, depressed, etc.  I have also entertained the possibility of adrenal fatigue, since I fit that profile as well and it can cause respiratory problems.  Pulmonary doc plans on testing me for valley fever, TB, whooping cough, fungal infection and molds, but like I said, he is not back for two weeks.  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.  Thanks.
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Hello, welcome to the community.

What were the results of your pulmonary function test (PFT)?  I assume the pulmo did one.  If he didn't, FIND A NEW PULMO!!  That is basic, but since you didn't mention that test I do wonder.  The PFT is the basic breathing test to determine if asthma is a possibility or if there is obstruction present.  Since you have had asthma in the past is is still very likely.  Some of your other symptoms are little known asthma symptoms.  

I just switched to Maxair and I am loving it.  I would recommend that you use it every 3 - 4 hours at your maximum dosage around the clock if you haven't been doing that. Not fun, but it works.  What level of Advair are you taking?  You may need a higher level than you are on right now.  Can you clarify your instructions?  The information that comes with Advair says not to take it more that twice a day.  It works best if those doses are taken 12 hours apart.  

What did you not like about the Advair?  Heart rate issues?  Shaking?  That is common, but does subside after consistent use for about a week.  Symbicort is another option for you.  It really made me shake for about 3 - 4 days when I tried it.  But that stopped as well after a few days.

I am also 44, and I know what you mean about the rib pain.  I have a rib that pops out of place when I cough too much or too hard.  So, your coughing really does need to get under controll.  Right now it is probably just muscle ache, but it is possible to tear a muscle, break a rib or dislocate a rib.  Hang in there.  I am sure you will get help.  

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144586 tn?1284666164
Yup. BSML was quite correct in recommending a pulmonary function test.

A CT scan and no pulmonary function test?

That doesn't make sense.

A TB test is a good idea.

Get an over-the-counter expectorant and guinefesson.

Please post again when you see your doctor.
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