865431 tn?1239774493

Theophylline (for Asthma) and propranolol (for arrythmia)

If one has both asthma and MVP.
Cardiologist gives propranolol.
Respiratory chest physician gives Theophylline

Beta blocker may possibly arouse asthma.
Theophylline is not suitable for arrythmia patients.
That means,,,,,,, I shall request cardiologist change my propranolol to other kinds medication, right?

One night I have heart racing again, then during my sleep my hands and heart feel numb, it shall be from my arrythmia or asthma? which medicine I shall take?

Respiratory chest physician answers me, it is NOT from arrythmia, but from asthma attack, so i shall take theophylline...... but it begins from heart racing, so I breathe too fast, and cause low level CO2 in blood, according to my knowledge.

I am going to visit cardiologist again... thanks for comment if any.
2 Responses
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942934 tn?1268108382
I have a family member who suffered the same as you, from both her heart and lungs. One thing I do know is that when ever her she had bad heart palpitations it would cause her a lot of pain and as a result she would start breathing harder, which then would cause an asthma attack. She would have to take her ventollin at that point to relieve the asthma symptoms on top of her heart problems. Theophylline is an older drug with lots of side effects. Your specialist should be able to give you different asthma medications to help control your asthma. I agree some beta blockers will cause a cough to develop. You definately need to keep both your respiratory specialist and cardiologist in communication with each other, so you can receive the best treatment for your conditions.
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865431 tn?1239774493
Thank you very much, and I am sure you just remind me a good point.

Last week, my cardiologist gives me medicine for heart failure(Bisoprolol). For this, I fall into serious depress.

My cardiologist and respiratory have very different suggestion regards to my trouble.
They both indicate me to skip the medicine another one offers me...... (cardiologist said: take this and that, skip respiratory's one med; and today respiratory told me, take this and that, you can skip this one from cardiologist......)

I am confused and feel headache(that's true), so probably I need to change a hospital. Thank you anyway, and wish you best in all.

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