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This is strange ...

Hello, I am 55 and healthy. I did have pnemonia twice. Since I have had that every year about this time I get some kind of bad infection every year. Right now , It came on quick, cold symptoms but, I always have to get the worst thing with all of the stuff going around. This may be just not c ontageous...I had no fever, thought sweating terrible no matter what I do..I went to the dr. yesterday and he gave me a steroid shot, cough syrup, amoxicilin, and a new kind of puffer. Today I was feeling a little better then later on in the afternoon and now I cannot hardly breath freely..I have a cpap machine and have been having to run in there to use it everytime I get up and walk tonight. I am a little scared to why I am having such trouble? I just cannot seem to pull in enough air...it is uncomortable...or am I jumping the gun and should just give it another day? I am almost ready to call 911 to see if I am breathing enough I am really worried...anyadvice would be helpful..thankx
3 Responses
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650886 tn?1226073526
Hi there!

So sorry to hear about the way you are suffering! :(

You know your body best. Trust your instincts, my friend. If you don't feel the oxygen you need now to breathe comfortably, you should more than likely seek professional assistance right away... especially with your history of having had pneumonia twice already.

Please let us know how you get on with your decision and how things turn out.

Your Friend in Faith
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Your right...see I just burried my dad today and tohave to go to the hosp..it hard for me to do...I am worn out from him being so sick at hospice the last two weeks...thank the good Lord he finally let him go peacefully to sleep on Monday morning!!
The thing I am having though is not because of that , my neck and throat are so sore I hate to have to cougj// I just went to the doc yesterday ....I have never felt these symptoms before though...thankx for  you interest my friend
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650886 tn?1226073526
That's really hard news, I'm so, so sorry! You must be beside yourself with stress, compounded by unbearable grief.

Stress can escalate your condition and magnify it even more. When my asthmatic daughter's emotions are out of control and she gets stressed out, asthma and respiratory disSTRESS kicks in real hard.

Please take care of this sooner than later. Regardless of having just seen the doctor yesterday, you just went through a very difficult personal tragedy and loss today.

Let us know how you are and take care of yourself first!

Your Friend in Faith
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