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This isn't a question, just a suggestion.

I got thrush from Symbicort.  I rinse everytime I use it...just like I was told, just like the instructions say...but I still got it.  If you've never had it, it feels like mouth (tongue and throat) ulcers.  They look like fuzzy white spots and your tongue is white.  

My advice BRUSH after using ICS, especially if you've taken antibiotics recently or have started to take a medication that makes your mouth dry.  I'm pretty sure that's why I got it because both of those apply to me and I've never had thrush until then.

My 2-cents.
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746512 tn?1388807580
I'm bad,  I've used pulmicort since last march and now on symbicort and I never rinse out my mouth and haven't had any problems.  

It all depends on the person I guess.  :)
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1125622 tn?1295420118
Thank you for the info! Just started with the Flovent myself and had a wicked sore throat. Dr. insists side effects will go away tho and not to stop, so I am trying to give it a go!  Ive only been on it 3 days and I am not loving it, But I did notice after I brushed this morning any white stuff was gone. (I allways brush my tounge!) For some reason Qvar years ago did not seem to do that as bad but different things for diffent people :) I have a bud who uses a tounge srapper thing but seriously, brushing the tounge gentley makes all the difference in the world for your tastebuds and thrush... It sounds too easy but it works!
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