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Will it affect the child's health if mother is using inhaler and asthma medicines during pregnancy?

I had some breathing problems on July 1sy week. Got admitted in hospital. Had Nebulisation and injection to get relief from that.Also done a PFT test and the result was that there is mild obstruction in lungs.Doctor told that it can be cured.Doctor advised me to inhale Duomate Transcaps twice daily(morning and before going to bed) for a period of 1 month.Also I am taking Supradyn vitamin tablets daily in the morning(suggested for 1 month).Also Lekast tablet daily for 10 days.We are wishing to have our second baby. Will these medicines affect the health of the baby, if i am suggested to continue these medicines.
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You are a good mother to question the meds you are given.  In this case however, it is generally said that the mother NOT taking the meds has a more advers affact ont he baby.  If the mother can't breathe properly and has a low oxygen level ...  

Talk to your ob and the dr treating your asthma.  There are ways to minimize the amount of medicine you take.  Immunotherapy allergy shots are frequently started during pregnancy to help reduce the number of meds a mother is taking.

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