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asthma and a cold

My asthma has been controlled without meds for over a year.  I just got a cold which is now exacerbating the asthma.  Can I use the symbicort that I used to use when I got a cold or should I use the Asmanex that was my controller medication,  or something else?
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Probably best to ask your doc on this one!
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746512 tn?1388807580
Use your reliever as needed until you can make an apointment with your doctor.  He might switch you to a different dose than you were using on those meds before.  

You can use for an asthma plan and in it would explain what you can do in the case of a future cold - whether he/she wants you to increase or start a different medication when you start to get sick.  

Hope you are feeling better!
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