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I have Asthma ABPA

I can't really cope with my breathing. Only when I am on Perdislone at the moment I am 10mg. I feel like a bag of water :-((. How can I reduced the water irration from my body I am move allot thank you :-(
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. Avoiding the allergen would be the most effective way to prevent Asthmatic attacks. People with ABPA should try to stay away from marshes, forests, bogs, compost heaps and other areas where vegetation is known to be rotting. Have you consulted an allergy specialist, he could help to desensitize you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Iam an asthma sufer for48 yrs . Get off the pred asap
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144586 tn?1284666164
It is not a good idea to be on oral prednisone for a long period of time. You need to get on an aerosolized steroid. Some physicians recommend a higher dose of oral prednisone to "sette down" a twitchy lung for a few days, then a taper and a switch to the aerosolized steroid.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I will go yet a step further than caregiver. Prednisone and inhaled steroids are both bad long term. They destroy your bones, give you cataracts, play havoc with your adrenals, and encourage the growth of fungus. I know because it has all happened to me. Now I just use natural anti-inflammatories and an inhaler for albuterol. (And I my lungs are better for it.)
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